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Launch of CENDARI: a Powerful Toolkit for Digital Historical Research


On 14 January 2016, the CENDARI research infrastructure was launched at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences & Humanities.


CENDARI is an acronym referring to the Collaborative European Digital Archival Research Infrastructure, a 4-year, European Commission-funded project which integrates digital archives and resources for the pilot areas of medieval culture and the First World War. As such CENDARI has strong affiliations with EHRI.


CfP Oral Narratives and the Politics of History Making


The 2nd International Oral History Conference

Oral History Division, Avraham Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry. Hebrew University of Jerusalem

December 6 – 8, 2016


Unique Artifact enriches the VGSJM Collections

EHRI partner, the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum in Lithuania has acquired a new artifact, a headscarf with an important story. Neringa Latvytė tells about it.

The Holocaust Exhibition of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum was enriched by an unique exhibit – a dark blue headscarf with white dots. It belonged to Dita Šperlingienė–Zupavičienė, former prisoner of the Kaunas Ghetto and Stutthof Concentration Camp, who presented the headscarf to the Museum.


Call for Papers: Holocaust. Studii şi cercetări (Holocaust. Study and Research) Journal

EHRI partner, the “Elie Wiesel” National Institute for Study of the Holocaust in Romania has a call for papers for their journal Holocaust. Studii şi cercetări (Holocaust. Study and Research).

Holocaust. Studii şi cercetări (Holocaust. Study and Research) is an annual peer-reviewed scientific journal dedicated to the publication of academic and scientific research papers on subjects like Holocaust, Anti- Semitism, xenophobia, discrimination etc.


New Partner in EHRI: the "Elie Wiesel" National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania

In its new phase, the EHRI project has 23 partners, of which 11 are new. In this article, one new partner, the "Elie Wiesel" National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania, introduces itself.

The “Elie Wiesel” National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania is a governmental institution, located in Bucharest, founded in 2005.

The “Elie Wiesel” Institute conducts research projects and coordinates educational, cultural and commemorative activities, aiming to prevent anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial and to raise public awareness regarding the consequences of intolerant behaviours such as discrimination, racism and xenophobia.


CfA: EHRI Archival Seminar in Berlin: Modern Diplomatics of the Holocaust


10 Day Archival Seminar, 21-31 August 2016

Hosted by the Federal Archives, Berlin-Lichterfelde, Germany

In the framework of the EHRI-project, the German Federal Archives offer a ten day archival seminar under the title “Modern Diplomatics of the Holocaust”. It aims at giving a thorough introduction into the handling of German records related to the Holocaust. The intended audience especially includes archival staff members (particularly from Eastern Europe) and Holocaust researchers who work with German archival records and would like to enlarge their knowledge on archival sources.


CfP: International Conference on "The Jews of the Middle East in the Shadow of the Holocaust"


April 4-5 2016, Jerusalem

From the time they assumed power – and even beforehand – the Nazi regime's policy towards the Jews drew responses from both the Jewish and the non-Jewish world. Many aspects of the Nazi influence outside the areas over which they ruled have been addressed by scholars, but very little attention has been given to aspects related to the Middle East (aside from the Jewish settlement in the land of Israel and the Mufti of Jerusalem). The aim of this conference is to address various aspects of this neglected issue.


Global Histories of Refugees in the 20th and 21st centuries


The University of Melbourne

Friday 7 October – Saturday 8 October 2016

Call for Papers

The plight of refugees has become the global issue of our times. The United Nations has estimated that over 59 million people worldwide are displaced as a result of conflict and persecution, the highest number since the 1990s.


Call For Papers Mnemonics 2016: The Other Side of Memory: Forgetting, Denial, Repression


The fifth Mnemonics: Network for Memory Studies summer school

June 2-4, 2016, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Hosted by the Initiative in Holocaust, Genocide, and Memory Studies (HGMS).

The theme of the 2016 event will be “The Other Side of Memory: Forgetting, Denial, Repression.” The keynote speakers will be Berber Bevernage (Ghent), Jodi A. Byrd (Illinois), and Françoise Vergès (Paris). Submissions are open to all graduate students interested in memory studies.


International Research Conference on Education about the Holocaust

14th, 15th, 16th and 17th February 2016
University of Teacher Education Lucerne (PH Luzern), Switzerland

This conference is the concluding event of IHRA's Education Research Project. The Education Research Project aims to provide an overview and a mapping of knowledge coming out of empirical research studies about teaching and learning about the Holocaust.
