International Research Conference on Education about the Holocaust

14th, 15th, 16th and 17th February 2016
University of Teacher Education Lucerne (PH Luzern), Switzerland
This conference is the concluding event of IHRA‘s Education Research Project. The Education Research Project aims to provide an overview and a mapping of knowledge coming out of empirical research studies about teaching and learning about the Holocaust. The goal is to establish what can really be stated from empirical research about the current state of Holocaust education, taking us beyond anecdotal experiences and programmatic texts, in order to identify the key challenges and opportunities.
A multilingual expert team has collected existing research in over ten languages, and undertaken a scholarly, critical review of a selected number of studies carried out in the field of Holocaust education. This multilingual aspect is a crucial dimension; it allows knowledge transfer and discussion between various regions and countries, as a cross-language and cross–cultural initiative.
The final conference of this project aims to discuss the findings among educators, researchers, academics, educational experts, educational decision makers, NGOs, diplomats, and funding organizations, and to bring together these different groups in order to design the new directions and strategic approaches needed to further Holocaust education.
Conference contents
This International Conference will comprise a series of keynote presentations featuring the results not only of the IHRA’s Education Research Project but also other major research studies in Holocaust education that are currently underway.
Thematic panels and workshops will enable participants to divide up into smaller groups to discuss the implications of research findings for government policy, educational practice and further research, as well as to build networks for future projects.
A final panel of educational decision makers from Ministries of Education will discuss the key findings of the Educational Research Project, and formulate concrete recommendations as to how to respond to the picture revealed about the current state of Holocaust education.
The main part of the conference lasts two days, 15 and 16 February 2016.
In the morning fo 17 February there will be an opportunity for networking. This last half-day is designed to offer opportunities to research teams, academics and educators to build networks for future research projects and pilot projects.
The program for the conference you find here: Program