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Right to be forgotten versus right to remember

International Conference "Right To Be Forgotten Versus Right To Remember"


10 October 2016, Academy Palace, Brussels, Belgium

Following the new EU privacy regulation, which was approved by the EU Parliament in May 2016, the Belgian State Archives organizes an international conference on "Right to be Forgotten Versus Right to Remember".

The new EU regulation introduces the "right to be forgotten". Archivists, historians, lawyers and information professionals from across Europe discuss the implications for the archival industry and historical research.

the site of the concentration camp at Sajmište today

Escalating into Holocaust



Wednesday 21 September 2016; Amsterdam, the Netherlands

A project financed by the EACEA - Europe for Citizens Programme; Strand 1 - European Remembrance (REMEM)

From execution squads to the gas van of the concentration camp at Sajmište. Two defining phases of the Holocaust in Serbia

Call for Applications: Joint Workshop for Advanced PhD Candidates from UK Universities who are focusing on Holocaust-related topics


Location: Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, Israel
Dates: 21 – 24 November 2016

As a signatory to a joint letter of intent enabling greater cooperation between British Holocaust organisations and Yad Vashem and endorsed by the British Government, The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust & Genocide is partnering with the International Institute for Holocaust Research at Yad Vashem to host the second joint workshop for advanced PhD candidates in the UK and Israel working on Holocaust-related topics. 

Call for Fellows: 2017 JDC Archives Fellowship Program


The JDC Archives is pleased to announce that it is accepting applications for its 2017 fellowship program. In 2017, 5-6 fellowships will be awarded to senior scholars, postdoctoral researchers, graduate students, and independent researchers to conduct research in the JDC Archives, either in New York or in Jerusalem. Research topics in the fields of twentieth century Jewish history, modern history, social welfare, migration, and humanitarian assistance will be considered, as well as other areas of academic research covered in the JDC archival collections.

EHRI seminar in Vilnius

EHRI Seminar in Vilnius: How to Read Holocaust Sources


EHRI Seminar in Vilnius, June 26 - July 1, 2016

The EHRI Seminar for Holocaust researchers Languages, Cultures and Perspectives – How to Read Holocaust Sources took place in Vilnius, Lithuania in the premises of Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum (VGSJM) and was organized by Kamilė Rupeikaitė and Neringa Latvytė-Gustaitienė from VGSJM together with Giles Bennett and Andrea Löw from the Center for Holocaust Studies at the Institute for Contemporary History in Munich, Germany (IfZ). It was the first of approximately ten Methodological Seminars EHRI will conduct in the next few years.


New Post on EHRI Blog: Letters From Children on the First Kindertransport


The EHRI Document Blog has a new post. Taking it in turns, institutes and EHRI fellows highlight a document from their collection or research, offering extra information about the people, places and events mentioned. The blog also investigates new ways to present and interpret documents using new online and digital tools. The new post is written by Jessica Green.

Group photo EHRI June 2016

EHRI meets in Bucharest for its yearly assembly


Once a year the people that work to make the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) a success all meet for a General Partner Meeting and several smaller working sessions. This year, on 21-23 June, the EHRI consortium of 23 partner institutions from 17 countries met in Bucharest, the city where hosting EHRI partner the Elie Wiesel National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania is based.

Commemorating Elie Wiesel


Today we commemorate the life and achievements of Elie Wiesel, who died on the 2nd of July 2016 at the age of 87.

A survivor of Auschwitz and Buchenwald, Wiesel went on to have a profound impact on the global memory of the holocaust. His memoir ‘Night’, originally published in Yiddish, and then in 1958 in French, has gone on to sell over six million copies in thirty languages. 

The Center for Holocaust Studies at the Institute for Contemporary History (IfZ), Munich - Job Advertisement - Researcher


As of January 1st, 2017 (and subject to final financial approval), The Center for Holocaust Studies at the Institute for Contemporary History (IfZ) in Munich is hiring two researchers (with PhDs, E13 TV-L, full time) to work in Munich, Germany.

Wiener Library Job Advertisement - Photo Archivist


The Wiener Library is a research library specialising in the Holocaust, the Third Reich, modern German-Jewish history, antisemitism, and fascism.
We are looking for a qualified Librarian or Archivist with excellent German to manage our Photo collections and to work with the Digital Team to implement new digital infrastructure and oversee digitization processes.

Closing date: 12pm on Friday 22 July 2016. 
