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Ivana Beranová

New online exhibition on the website of the Jewish Museum in Prague


The Jewish Museum's Shoah History Department has prepared a new online exhibition: 

"I no longer have to be afraid of my neighbours": the life of Ivana Beranová (Fantlová) and her family.

This exhibition is an example of the museum's long-term efforts at charting the lives of the Jews of Bohemia and Moravia over the course of the 20th century. It comprises excerpts from biographical interviews that Ivana Beranová (née Fantlová) and her mother Marta Fantlová provided to the Jewish Museum in Prague, along with unique photographs and documents from her family archive. The material is contained in the museum's Oral History Collection.


Call for Papers: Museums and Their Publics at Sites of Conflicted History


International conference 13-15 March 2017

POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Warsaw, Poland

You are invited to propose abstracts for the international conference Museums and Their Publics at Sites of Conflicted History.

Call for Applications for Research Workshops at POLIN Museum


Call for Applications: Research Workshops 2017

Global Education Outreach Programme (GEOP) invites individuals and institutions to propose three-day research workshops to be held at POLIN Museum on topics related to the history and culture of Polish Jews, including new perspectives on public history, museums, and cultural memory. GEOP especially encourages interdisciplinary and comparative approaches.

Logo Connecting Law and Memory

Conference Connecting Law & Memory


Conference in Mechelen, Belgium I 20-22 September 2016

Kazerne Dossin, International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, the Belgian Federal Police, KZ Gedenkstätte Flossenbürg and the Council of Europe announce the ‘Connecting Law and Memory’ conference in Mechelen on 20-22 September 2016. This conference will focus on training courses in human rights for law enforcement and civil servants – based on Holocaust and genocide studies – with an emphasis on bringing together both civil servants (especially law enforcement) and museums & memorials from all over Europe.

EHRI presented at IHRA meetings in Bucharest


Last week, the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) held its bi-annual plenary meeting, the first under the current Romanian chairmanship. The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) is an intergovernmental body which aims to place political and social leaders’ support behind the need for Holocaust education, remembrance and research. IHRA currently has 31 member countries, ten observer countries and seven Permanent International Partners. It works with an annually rotating Chairmanship.

Workshop: Digital Research Infrastructures in the Humanities: How to Use, Build and Maintain Them


19-29 July 2016, Universität Leipzig

This workshop is offered by the European Summer University in Digital Humanities, that takes place from 19-29 July 2016 in Leipzig.

EHRI Document Blog: Experimenting With Digital Content


The EHRI document blog was launched online on January 27th this year. It was created as a space to share ideas about Holocaust-related archival material and to experiment with the interpretation of archive material using different digital tools, especially when it came to the presentation of information in a visual form.

EHRI partners and fellows will also have a chance to highlight their own research and digital content through the blog.

President of Slovakia, Andrej Kiska during the opening of the Museum

Opening of Sereď Holocaust Museum in Slovakia


On January 26, 2016, the permanent exhibition of the Sereď Holocaust Museum in Sereď, Slovakia was opened. It is the only museum of its kind in Slovakia.

Usability test of the EHRI portal

Usability test of the EHRI portal


Image: Usability test of the EHRI Portal

In May a report on a first usability and user experience evaluation of the EHRI portal will be published on the EHRI project website on the deliverables page. The EHRI portal was first launched in March 2015.

From the anti-Jewish Laws (racial laws) to the Shoah. Seven years in Italian History 1938-1945

Dalle leggi antiebraiche alla Shoah - Sette anni di storia italiana 1938-1945


From the anti-Jewish Laws (racial laws) to the Shoah - Seven years in Italian History 1938-1945

An exhibition curated by the CDEC Foundation, on display at the new Shoah Memorial of Milan, February 2016

The exhibition

Dalle leggi antiebraiche alla Shoah - Sette anni di storia italiana 1938-1945’ (‘From the anti-Jewish Laws (Racial Laws) to the Shoah - Seven years in Italian History’ 1938-1945) is the title of the exhibition curated by EHRI partner, the CDEC Foundation, at the new Shoah Memorial of Milan last February.
