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"Public Humanities" is the DARIAH Theme for 2016: Consortium Calls for Applications


DARIAH-EU funds initiatives exploring the topic "Public Humanities“, which is its thematic priority for this year. The consortium invites proposals to organise events related to this topic.

"Our Public Humanities call builds on last year's call (Open Humanities), because it does not only promote better access to data and other digital resources but also to arts and humanities knowledge as a whole", DARIAH-EU's director Tobias Blanke describes the motivation for choosing "Public Humanities" as DARIAH Theme this year.


BAHS Conference 2016: The Presence of the Holocaust in Society, Politics & Culture, c.1970-2015

London, UK, 19 - 21 July 2016

The UCL Centre for Holocaust Education is delighted to announce it is hosting the annual British Association of Holocaust Studies (BAHS) Conference this summer. The Conference will be held in Bloomsbury, Central London, from 19th - 21 July 2016.

The Conference will focus on "The Presence of the Holocaust in Society, Politics, & Culture, c.1970-2015". For more information on the Conference themes and the Call for Papers, click here. Confirmed keynotes include Professor Dan Stone (Royal Holloway University of London) and Professor Wulf Kansteiner (Binghamtown University). Further keynote speakers will be announced shortly here.


CfA: EHRI Seminar in Vilnius: Languages, Cultures and Perspectives – How to Read Holocaust Sources


26 June - 1 July 2016, Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum, Vilnius, Lithuania

We would like to invite those working in the field of Holocaust documentation to submit their application for the international EHRI Seminar: Languages, Cultures and Perspectives – How to Read Holocaust Sources, to be held at Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum, Vilnius, June 26 – July 1, 2016 in cooperation with the Center for Holocaust Studies at the Institute for Contemporary History in Munich, Germany.


Apply for the European Summer Institute at Royal Holloway, University of London

4-13 July 2016, Royal Holloway campus, Egham, Surrey, UK

The Holocaust Educational Foundation of Northwestern University, USA, and the Holocaust Research Centre at Royal Holloway, University of London, with the support of the Pears Foundation, are pleased to invite applications for Fellowships to participate in the third European Summer Institute on the Holocaust and Jewish Civilisation. The Institute will take place from Monday 4 – Wednesday 13 July 2016 at the Royal Holloway campus, Egham, Surrey, in England.


Call for Papers: Refugees and Citizens. New Nation States as Places of Asylum, 1914-1941

Workshop, organised by the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies, in cooperation with the Jewish Museum in Prague l Vienna, 16-17 June 2016

Especially over the past few decades, the refugee policies of Western states in the interwar period have been the subject of thorough examination by historians who have mostly highlighted the restrictive policies of closed borders, or ‘paper walls’, especially vis a vis Jewish refugees fleeing exclusion and mass murder.


New Exhibition Mémorial de la Shoah: After the Holocaust

Exhibition / films and discussions
27 January - 30 October 2016

EHRI partner Mémorial de la Shoah (Shoah Memorial), based in Paris, currently hosts a new exhibition, titled After the Holocaust. Survivors and Refugees. 1944-1947.

It is a bilingual exhibition featuring many archival documents, films and nearly 250 photographs on the period immediately after the catastrophe. Around the exhibition, Mémorial de la Shoah organizes a series of screenings and panel discussions with many historians, specialists, witnesses and filmmakers.


First EHRI Document Blog: Reports from the No Man's Land


Making digital collections and archival material can be full of challenges. As more and more material becomes accessible online, it also means that archivists and historians have to think up new ways to help users get the most out of the information each document offers and to place the document into its complex historical context.

EHRI Document Blog

The EHRI blog aims to do just that.


Brussels Includes Reference to the Holocaust in the General Data Protection Regulation


The European community of institutions and individuals concerned with the commemoration and study of the Holocaust have endured a period of uncertainty and anxiety about the future of free access to the archival sources underpinning their work. The source of the worry has been the planned European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), scheduled to come into force later this year. This piece of legislation addresses the issue that at present European nations have different and distinct regulations about data protection, often denying in one territory what is allowed in another.

EHRI Poster

EHRI Enters a New Phase: New Mission Statement, New Advisory Board


In 2015, the first phase of the EHRI project (2010-2015) resulted in a Presentation event in Berlin, where the EHRI portal was succesfully launched. Immediately it was announced that EHRI would continue and be able to sustain and expand in a second phase, with new funding under the EU Horizon2020 programme.


The UK Holocaust Memorial Foundation: Britain's Promise to Remember


Every country has a its own way of dealing with Holocaust remembrance and education. Ben Barkow, director of EHRI partner, the Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust & Genocide in London, gives us an update on the latest developments in the UK.

On Holocaust Memorial Day 2014 the UK Prime Minister David Cameron announced the creation of a commission to investigate the future of Holocaust commemoration and education in Britain.
