EHRI Central Hub Team
Located at KNAW-NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies
EHRI-ERIC Founding Director
Reto Speck
Reto is a historian whose main research interest lies at the intersection of the history of historiography, archival theory and digital humanities. He has published extensively on the digital transformation of historical and archival thought.
Reto has been active in EHRI since 2010. He initially led on the development of the EHRI Portal. He was appointed Deputy Director of EHRI in 2016, and Co-Director in 2019. He is the scientific Coordinator of the EHRI Implementation Phase (IP) project.
EHRI-3 Co-Project Director
Karel Berkhoff
Karel is a Senior Researcher at NIOD, and historian of Eastern Europe (particularly Ukraine and the Soviet Union), the Holocaust, and World War II.
He was involved in the organization of EHRI fellowships, the online course, a summer school and a seminar, and became Co-Director in 2019. He is the scientific coordinator of the third phase of the EHRI project (EHRI-3).
Project Manager
Kevania de Vries-Menig
Kevania de Vries-Menig graduated in the field of English language and culture (Utrecht University), and in project management (University of Liverpool). She has been active in EHRI since 2020, as project manager for both the EHRI Preparatory and Implementation Phase project and the third phase of the EHRI project.
Communications Officer
Petra Drenth
Petra is a historian (University of Amsterdam) and has also graduated in Information Marketing and Management (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences).
She has been the communications officer for EHRI since the beginning of the project in 2010 and has also worked in the same capacity for other European infrastructure projects (PARTHENOS and DARIAH) and for NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, where she is based.
Rosa van Tijn
Rosa studied German at University for a number of years, before switching her studies and obtaining a B.A. degree in accountancy. She then worked for NIOD for 9 years, managing the financial aspects of externally financed projects, most importantly the EHRI-projects. In 2017, NIOD outsourced their financial management to the Humanities Cluster, which (like NIOD) is part of the Royal Academy of Sciences. Rosa has worked since then as an employee of the Humanities Cluster, where she continues her management of financial aspects of the EHRI-projects and further develops her field of expertise in the financial rules of European funding.
Frank Uiterwaal
Frank Uiterwaal graduated in the fields of cultural history (Radboud University Nijmegen) and cultural heritage studies (University of Amsterdam). In his work, he combines his specialisation in digital heritage management with experience in IT project management and consulting.
Frank is leading the task on Finance in the implementation phase of EHRI and involved in the creation of the Dutch national node, EHRI-NL.
Impact, Sustainability and Implementation
Katharina Freise
Katharina Freise graduated with a Master in Translation Studies from the University of Saarbrücken, Germany in 1997 and has since worked in various roles in Germany, Italy and the UK. More recently, Katharina has developed her research support and management expertise at the University of Birmingham (UK), working with researchers in social sciences and the humanities on nurturing sustainable, innovative and inclusive research environments and developing and delivering strategies for non-academic impact.
Within EHRI, Katharina is leading on two Work Packages (WP’s), WP9 in EHRI-PP that will deliver a business plan for the future permanent research infrastructure and develop plans for its implementation, and WP3 in EHRI-3 that will produce an Innovation Roadmap for the future EHRI, further expand EHRI’s portfolio of impact activities and hence its relevance beyond academia, and ensure that EHRI’s organizational and legal foundations remain strong by developing a medium- to long-term sustainability strategy. In the implementation phase, she is leading on Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation.
Software Development
Mike Bryant
Mike is a software developer at NIOD. He studied history at Lancaster University before spending several years in the visual effects industry working as a computer programmer on data management and workflow tools. Since 2010, he has worked at King’s College London as a software developer and research associate, and completed an MA in Digital Asset Management there in 2013. He has been involved in EHRI since 2011, working on the development of the EHRI portal and other technical platforms.