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New EHRI Document Blog: Recognising the 'Anonymous' Resistors: Everyday Heroes in Occupied Hungary


The latest EHRI Document Blog post by Barnabas Balint (University of Exeter) focuses on ordinary people outside of resistance organisations who helped their friends, neighbours, and acquaintances as ‘anonymous’ resistors in Hungary and looks into the challenges they had to overcome. By using the example of the testimony and letters of Agnes Balint from Yad Vashem/Wiener Library, the post shows how rescued people relied on friends and friends of friends who supplied them with forged documents, shelter, support and their own Christian documents.

IHRA 2019 Call for Grant Applications open


Each year the International Holocaust Research Alliance (IHRA) network of 31 Member Countries supports a selection of projects which aim to safeguard the historical record (including sites, testimony and archival materials) of the Holocaust and the genocide of the Roma and which counter distortion. Do you have a project idea that you think would fit?

New EHRI Document Blog: Transports from Mechelen


In this latest EHRI Document Blog post Laurence Schram and Veerle Vanden Daelen from Kazerne Dossin explain how a series of online publications to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the deportations of Jews, Roma and Sinti to the East from Kazerne Dossin led to a renewed understanding of the magnitude of the mass transportation of thousands of people.

Try U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum’s test API for online Holocaust Encyclopedia


The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum will release a prototype API for its online Holocaust Encyclopedia starting this fall. Organisations working with Holocaust documentation, collections or information can try the API with their own research and access projects, provide feedback on their experience, and help shape the tool to best suit their own institutional needs. 

Workshop participants listening to “Flash Presentations”

EHRI Workshop: Jewish Records and Digital Humanities, 4-5 September 2018


On September 4 and 5, 2018, EHRI, in collaboration with the Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe (RFHE), ran a two-day workshop on Jewish Heritage Records and Digital Humanities at King’s College London (KCL). The event attracted Jewish Studies researchers and heritage professionals from across Europe and the United States to discuss and share strategies and techniques for how best to use data from Jewish records and resources.

Conny Kristel (26 February 1955 – 6 October 2018)


On Saturday 6 October 2018 Conny Kristel died of cancer. The European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) hast lost its Director, and an irreplaceable source of leadership, strength and commitment.

Yad Vashem online course: Antisemitism: From Its Origins to the Present


Yad Vashem recently developed a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on the history of antisemitism titled: "Antisemitism: From Its Origins to the Present". Running on the FutureLearn online educational platform, the course brings together 50 leading researchers and public figures from all over the world - historians, sociologists, linguists, philosophers, and political scientists, as well as policy makers, and religious leaders.

New EHRI Document Blog:"Re-Germanization" and the Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle Camps: The Geography of Expulsion


In this latest EHRI Document Blog post Judith Haran (Nuremberg Project at Harvard Law School) looks at documents from Trial 8 at Nuremberg, the “RuSHA Trial” of 1947-48,on Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle (VoMi).

The Nuremberg Project plans to put the entire English-language record of all 13 trials online within the next few years. The blog post looks at the topic of "Re-Germanization", the kidnapping of children in occupied territories and the extensive camp system set up by the Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle.

Europe secures the future of Holocaust research


Vienna / Amsterdam, September 10, 2018 Research into the Holocaust is so important politically and scientifically that a European Holocaust research program is to be given permanent status and funding. Over the past eight years, a growing number of countries and institutions have collaborated on improving access to archives and connecting collections. Historians and archivists worldwide now use the online portal that has been developed for this purpose. Every day it becomes more evident that strengthening mutual contacts and increasing the availability and searchability of an ever growing amount of sources contributes to the innovation of Holocaust research. That is why EHRI, a European Holocaust research project launched in 2010, wants to become a permanent organization. Tomorrow, in Vienna, it will be officially announced that this 'European Holocaust Research Infrastructure' is included in the plans of Europe for scientific cooperation.

New EHRI Document Blog: Using Named Entity Recognition to Enhance Access to a Museum Catalog


In this latest EHRI Document Blog post Ivelina Nikolova (ONTOTEXT) and Michael Levy (USHMM) discuss how applicable services for automatic extraction of person names and locations are to oral history transcripts with the aim of enhancing access to a museum catalog. 
Giving an insight into the challenges they had to overcome, the post shows that there is certainly potential for named-entity recognition to assist catalogers with processing historical testimonies. The algorithms for automatic information extraction can work with comparatively high accuracy. This could greatly speed up the human work when large volumes of data are to be processed and will ultimately bolster the discoverability of collections to better serve users.

Read this blog post on the EHRI Document Blog.
