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VWI invitation

Simon Wiesenthal Lecture: Representing Genocide: The Holocaust as Paradigm?


EHRI partner the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) organises a Simon Wiesenthal Lecture:

Rebecca Jinks:  Representing Genocide: The Holocaust as Paradigm?

15 February 2018, 6.30 pm 

Dachfoyer des Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchivs, 1010 Wien, Minoritenplatz 1

Holocaust Memorial Day

Holocaust Memorial Day 2018


January 27 is Holocaust Memorial Day, or International Holocaust Remembrance Day: An annual International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. It was designated by the United Nations General Assembly resolution 60/7 on 1 November 2005. It marks the anniversary of the liberation of concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau on 27 January 1945.

Claims Conference

Claims Conference: University Lecturer Position in Holocaust Studies

Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (The Claims Conference) is planning to fund several new university lecturer positions for Holocaust focused courses in key European-based universities and is seeking universities that are interested in creating a partnership.
EHRI Blog Lemkin

New EHRI Blog: The 1948 Genocide-Convention: Raphael Lemkins struggle for the ‘law of the world’


The newest EHRI Document Blog post commemorates the 69th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide by the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) on 9 December 1948.

Elie Wiesel seminar

Invitation EHRI Workshop in Romania: Borderlands: Archives, Research and Education


Extended deadline: 12 January 2018!

International Workshop within the Framework of the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI), supported by the European Commission

Date and location: 6-7 March 2018, at the “Elie Wiesel” National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania, Bucharest, Romania


EHRI Workshop

EHRI Workshop: "Once They Are Engaged, They Want to Know More"


EHRI Workshop “Engaging New Generations. The Holocaust and Knowledge Dissemination in the Digital Age” - Amsterdam, 9 November 2017

On November 9, the EHRI Workshop “Engaging New Generations” was held at the NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies in Amsterdam. More than 30 participants from Europe, Israel and the USA discussed the role that digital media can, or should play in addressing new generations and the way they relate to the Holocaust.

New EHRI Blog: Death Blows Overhead: The Last Transports from Hungary, November 1944


The latest blog post is dedicated to the memory of tens of thousands of Hungarian Jewish men and women, dragged off for slave labour by the Nazi ally Arrow Cross government in November 1944. László Csősz, historian and senior archivist of the Hungarian National Archives combined letters and diaries of victims and survivors of the "death marches” with testimonies culled from the protocols of the National Committee for Attending Deportees, one of the largest early documentation projects on the Holocaust.

Conference: The Future of the Archive. Performing the Jewish Archive and Beyond


On 14-16 January, the University of Leeds organizes a conference that builds on the research that has been carried out under the Arts and Humanities Research Council funded project Performing the Jewish Archive. This project is working to explore hidden archives, uncover and perform lost works, and create a legacy for the future. For an example of the project's work, see the EHRI Document Blog by researcher Simo Muir. 
The Future of the Archive conference aims to act as a beacon for further research. It builds on three years of activity, based on the premise that performing Jewish archives specifically helps shed light on a host of wider cultural, scientific and political concerns. 

New book: Holocaust Public Memory in Postcommunist Romania


How is the Holocaust remembered in Romania since the fall of communism?

Alexandru Florian, director of the Elie Wiesel National Institute for the Study of Holocaust in Romania, and an international group of contributors unveil how and why Romania, a place where large segments of the Jewish and Roma populations perished, still fails to address its recent past. These essays focus on the roles of government and public actors that choose to promote, construct, defend, or contest the memory of the Holocaust, as well as the tools – the press, the media, monuments, and commemorations – that create public memory.

Call for Papers – Call for Participation in Two Working Groups on “Descendants of Victims of Nazi Persecution”


The Federal Association Information & Advice for Survivors of Nazi Persecution (Bundesverband Information & Beratung für NS-Verfolgte e.V.) is calling for participation in two moderator-led working groups on "Historico-political Education" and "Psychosocial Issues", respectively, in relation to the work of and to working with descendants of victims of Nazi persecution. The two-day working groups will meet on 11/12 April and 7/8 June 2018 in Cologne.
