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New EHRI Document Blog:"Re-Germanization" and the Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle Camps: The Geography of Expulsion


In this latest EHRI Document Blog post Judith Haran (Nuremberg Project at Harvard Law School) looks at documents from Trial 8 at Nuremberg, the “RuSHA Trial” of 1947-48,on Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle (VoMi).

The Nuremberg Project plans to put the entire English-language record of all 13 trials online within the next few years. The blog post looks at the topic of "Re-Germanization", the kidnapping of children in occupied territories and the extensive camp system set up by the Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle.

Europe secures the future of Holocaust research


Vienna / Amsterdam, September 10, 2018 Research into the Holocaust is so important politically and scientifically that a European Holocaust research program is to be given permanent status and funding. Over the past eight years, a growing number of countries and institutions have collaborated on improving access to archives and connecting collections. Historians and archivists worldwide now use the online portal that has been developed for this purpose. Every day it becomes more evident that strengthening mutual contacts and increasing the availability and searchability of an ever growing amount of sources contributes to the innovation of Holocaust research. That is why EHRI, a European Holocaust research project launched in 2010, wants to become a permanent organization. Tomorrow, in Vienna, it will be officially announced that this 'European Holocaust Research Infrastructure' is included in the plans of Europe for scientific cooperation.

New EHRI Document Blog: Using Named Entity Recognition to Enhance Access to a Museum Catalog


In this latest EHRI Document Blog post Ivelina Nikolova (ONTOTEXT) and Michael Levy (USHMM) discuss how applicable services for automatic extraction of person names and locations are to oral history transcripts with the aim of enhancing access to a museum catalog. 
Giving an insight into the challenges they had to overcome, the post shows that there is certainly potential for named-entity recognition to assist catalogers with processing historical testimonies. The algorithms for automatic information extraction can work with comparatively high accuracy. This could greatly speed up the human work when large volumes of data are to be processed and will ultimately bolster the discoverability of collections to better serve users.

Read this blog post on the EHRI Document Blog.

Three New EHRI Document Blogs: Wartime Diary, Correspondence across Ghetto Walls, and Sharing Data with EHRI


Three new EHRI Document blogs have been published. Katja Grosse-Sommer in her blog post writes about the wartime diary of a young couple from Amsterdam that was forced into hiding in September 1942.  In the second blog post, Magdalena Sedlická looks at both official correspondence and illegal letters leaving the Terezin ghetto to reveal the two different faces of the ghetto. The third blog post uses the example of a photograph of Holocaust victim Rosine Régine Lewkowicz, to show how Kazerne Dossin worked together with EHRI to produce standardised archival collection descriptions.

Read the blog posts on the EHRI Document Blog

Image: a postcard from the Terezin ghetto

Special Lessons & Legacies Conference Munich: Call for Papers


For the first time ever, a special Lessons and Legacies Conference will take place in Europe, the continent where the Holocaust occurred. The conference will take place on 4-7 November 2019 in Munich, Germany. The submission deadline for papers is 31 December 2018. 

Additional Call for EHRI Fellowship-Applications – Deadline: 31 August 2018


Additional Call for EHRI Fellowship-Applications – Deadline: 31 August 2018

We are delighted to announce an additional Call for Applications for EHRI Fellowships. We offer additional weeks of access at a limited number of EHRI institutions (see below). The deadline for applications is the 31 August 2018. Applicants will be notified during the second half of September.

JHI Logo

Call for Papers EHRI Conference: Research and Preservation of the Secret Archive of the Warsaw Ghetto


Call for Papers | Invitation to a Conference within the Framework of the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI)

6 December 2018 | Location: The Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, Poland


EHRI Consortium

General Partner Meeting EHRI 2018


On Wednesday 27 June, EHRI held its annual General Partner Meeting, an event where almost everyone who is involved in EHRI gets together for a whole day of presentations and discussions. Every year the meeting is hosted by one of EHRI’s 24 partner institutions, and this time the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum in Vilnius, Lithuania, opened its doors to the consortium. Over sixty attendees from 17 countries were welcomed by Kamile Rupeikaite, director a.d.

Mapped visualization of the camps listed in WikiData after EHRI's contributions

EHRI Portal Vocabulary Set of Concentration Camps Greatly Expanded and Enhanced


Over the past year, the EHRI team on Users and Standards has expanded and enhanced the EHRI Portal vocabulary set of concentration camps, incorporating data from the USHMM Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos, the Bundesarchiv, and

EHRI Takes Next Step to Sustainable Future


The EHRI project has officially been adopted by the ESFRI Roadmap 2018 (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) to enter the ESFRI ecosystem. This is a first important step in a sustainable future for EHRI after the project ends in 2019.
