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Archive Bundesarchiv, Germany

The Archive as Digital User


EHRI has conducted an international web survey to better understand how professional users such as archivists, librarians, curators, and information specialists use our services. These professionals are key users and stakeholders of EHRI, given their significant role in providing content for EHRI and their knowledge of Holocaust related materials available at their institutions.

The European Commission Combines Efforts to Tackle Antisemitism


Eurobarometer Survey on Antisemitism in Europe

Recently the European Fundamental Rights Agency, upon request of the European Commission, published the largest survey ever held among European Jews on their perception and experience of antisemitism. The Eurobarometer Survey on Antisemitism in Europe will serve as a basis for further fact-based policy making.

Polish Prayer Book with Torah Cover

The Story of a Polish Prayer Book Found at the Vilnius Flea Market


Neringa Latvytė from EHRI partner the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum (VGSJM) in Lithuania presents a unique artefact from the flea market in Vilnius: A small prayer book in Polish, which tells us the unusual story about perceptions of a traumatic past.

Photos and article by Neringa Latvytė

Hungarian Jewish Museum and Archives/Grego

Unifying Our Scattered Heritage - The Yerusha Project


Gabor Kadar, from the Yerusha Project, Rothschild Foundation (Hanadiv) Europe, introduces the EHRI-Yerusha collaboration.

New EHRI Document Blog: Repatriation Efforts - Luxembourg State Policy Towards Jews


Repatriation Efforts – Luxembourg State Policy Towards Jews during World War II

The author of this EHRI Document Blog post, Jakub Bronec from the University of Luxembourg, gives an insight into the repatriation attempts of Luxembourg concerning Jews during World War II.

Save the date: EHRI Conference in Amsterdam: Holocaust Studies and its Social Setting


On Wednesday 3 July 2019 EHRI will mark the conclusion of its second phase (2015-2019) with a major international conference in Amsterdam. Holocaust Studies and its Social Setting: Challenges and Trends will focus on the importance of EHRI’s human network and the impact of EHRI and Holocaust Studies on society.

Call for papers : 'The Holocaust in Hungary, 75 years later'


The Clio Institute in Budapest welcomes papers of at least 8.000-10.000 words based on primary archival research to be published in Clio Research Papers.

Karel Berkhoff

Meet the New EHRI Project Director: Karel Berkhoff


Dear colleagues and friends,

Last year I was deeply saddened by Conny Kristel’s death. She was a wonderful colleague, truly a model of conscientiousness and commitment. I am guessing that you all know a good project that was hampered (or worse) because egos stood in the way. Not so with EHRI under Conny. How befitting that the first Conny Kristel Fellowships will be dispensed this year.

Given this history, it was with a mixture of excitement and trepidation that I began my tenure as EHRI’s new Project Director on March 1. But there is no worry. Having been involved in several EHRI undertakings, my sense is this is a gathering of experts who are not only committed to a good cause, but who also treat each other well. And they know and feel that the work is all the more important today - a time with so much bad news about distortion and denial of the Holocaust.

Call for Papers: Workshop 'Marking of Jews During the Holocaust'


This workshop will take place between 8-11 July 2019 at EHRI Partner Yad Vashem in Jerusalem and will be dedicated to the marking of Jews in various countries, in ghettos and camps, within the larger context of marking persecuted groups.

New EHRI Document Blog: Pecunia Olet: Aryanizing Jewish Shops in Gödöllő, Hungary


Pecunia Olet: Aryanizing Jewish Shops in Gödöllő, Hungary

The latest EHRI Document Blog post by Borbála Klacsmann (University of Szeged) focuses on the aryanization of Jewish shops in Gödöllő, Hungary. Starting with the ground plan of the Gödöllő city hall, the post follows the decision of the town council to cancel the rent of Jewish shopkeepers situated there and the story of the shops afterwards. The post also opens a discussion on the processing of the aryanizations.
