Claims Conference: University Lecturer Position in Holocaust Studies

In order to be eligible, the university must:
- Be European based and well established
- Be a public (government supported) university
- Have an established History or other Humanities related department
- Currently be offering no more than 1 Holocaust-focused course in any department (this includes universities that are not offering Holocaust-focused courses)
- Be willing to add a new lecturer to their department for a year
The Holocaust-focused courses cannot be part of a Jewish or Yiddish Studies program, but, rather, must be in a History or related department. It is expected that the university will conduct significant outreach and marketing of the Holocaust-focused courses in advance so as to ensure sufficient student registration.
The lecturer will be hired by the Claims Conference, with priority given to Kagan Fellowship alumni, and offered to the university. The curricula will be approved by the Claims Conference Kagan Fellowship Academic Committee and the university.
While there is a possibility of a second year of funding for this position, it is expected that the university will look for additional funding sources in order to make this position a permanent one.
If interested, please email Ms. Chavie Brumer at indicating your intent to apply. You must submit the attached application form by April 30, 2018. To access the application form, Click here. If you have any questions, please contact Chavie Brumer at the email above.