Save the date: EHRI Conference in Amsterdam: Holocaust Studies and its Social Setting

EHRI Conference ‘Holocaust Studies and its Social Setting: Challenges and Trends’
3 July 2019 | Venue: Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
On Wednesday 3 July 2019 EHRI will mark the conclusion of its second phase (2015-2019) with a major international conference in Amsterdam. Holocaust Studies and its Social Setting: Challenges and Trends will focus on the importance of EHRI’s human network and the impact of EHRI and Holocaust Studies on society. Renowned Holocaust researchers and policymakers, such as Wendy Lower and Katharina von Schnurbein, will speak at the conference, discuss EHRI’s achievements and reflect on the societal impact of Holocaust research. The programme will include keynotes, round table discussions, a video presentation and a music performance. Many former EHRI fellows and workshop participants, as well as all EHRI’s partners, will attend the conference and relate their first-hand experiences.
More details on registration and the complete programme will follow soon.
Illustration: Final Event first phase EHRI, Berlin, 26 March 2015