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EHRI Infrastructure

Register for EHRI Conference in Amsterdam: Foundations for the Future: Towards a Permanent EHRI Organisation


An event to celebrate the achievements of EHRI’s Preparatory Phase

23 May 2023 | Location: Het Trippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

On Tuesday 23 May 2023, the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) will hold an international event in Amsterdam to mark the end of its Preparatory Phase (EHRI-PP). This conference, “Foundations for the Future: Towards a Permanent EHRI Organisation”, will be dedicated to EHRI’s achievements towards becoming a permanent research infrastructure in the form of an ERIC in 2025, and to discuss the current state and future trends of Holocaust research and remembrance.

EHRI Document Blog

New EHRI Document Blog | The Holocaust in Ukraine Series: "More Terrifying Than the Germans"


Information About the Holocaust from Investigation Files of Local Policemen (the Case of Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine)

The new Document Blogpost presents the Soviet investigation files of Kryvyi Rih policemen from the SBU archives (State Archive Branch of the Security Services of Ukraine). Kryvyi Rih is a city in Central Ukraine. The blogpost by Roman Shliakhtych examines arrest warrants, interrogation transcripts, indictments and verdicts from these files and shows how these materials make it possible to study the course of events during the largest mass shooting of Jews in Kryvyi Rih on 14 October 1941. Additionally, the files make it possible to identify the perpetrators and the victims of the Holocaust in the region.

Modern Diplomatics of the Holocaust

Call for Applications EHRI Archival Seminar in Berlin | Modern Diplomatics of the Holocaust


Dates: 10-15 September 2023 | Venue: Federal Archives / Bundesarchiv Germany | Deadline for submissions: 31 May 2023

For German click here (on the webpage)

Seminar description

The German Federal Archives are partner in the transnational project EHRI (European Holocaust Research Infrastructure). EHRI is dedicated to improve the European infrastructure for Holocaust studies by facilitating access to archival collections related to Holocaust history and by stimulating innovative, interdisciplinary and transnational research. Conferences, methodological seminars and workshops play a major role in achieving an exchange of knowledge and establishing institutional as well as personal networks.

In the framework of EHRI, the Federal Archives offer a five-day archival seminar under the title “Modern Diplomatics of the Holocaust” (see also the EHRI Online Course Modern Diplomatics of the Holocaust). It aims at giving a thorough introduction into the handling of German records related to the Holocaust. The intended audience especially includes archival staff members (particularly from Central, Southern and Eastern Europe), Holocaust researchers and employees of museums and memorial sites who work with German archival records and would like to enlarge their knowledge on archival sources.

Von Wien ins Nirgendwo

New EHRI Online Edition | Von Wien ins Nirgendwo: Die Nisko-Deportationen


After the attack on Poland in September 1939, the Nazi leadership had the opportunity to deport Jews to conquered areas for the first time.

In the second half of October 1939, the Central Office for Jewish Emigration sent 1,500 Jewish men from Vienna to Nisko am San in Eastern Poland. Further transports went to Nisko from Moravia-Ostrau (Ostrava, Czechia) and Kattowitz (Katowice, Poland).

Call for Articles

Call for Articles EHRI Partner Polish Center for Holocaust Research | Holocaust and Psychology


Call for Articles for the journal Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały / Holocaust Studies and Materials 2024 from the Polish Center for Holocaust Research in Warsaw. Deadline for submission of proposals: June 30, 2023

The twentieth issue of Holocaust Studies and Materials will be a jubilee one. Hence, it shall include summaries, overviews, and attempts to look at selected issues from the perspective of the 20 years.

USHMM Camps and Ghettos Encyclopedia

New EHRI Webinar | Encyclopedic Database Design for Digital Research Possibilities Nazi-Era Camps for Foreign Forced Laborers


Webinar: Encyclopedic Database Design for Digital Research Possibilities and Challenges of Developing a Comprehensive Database of Nazi-Era Camps for Foreign Forced Laborers | 19 April 2023, 3:00 PM CET | On Zoom

This presentation will detail the scholarly goals as well as practical and methodological challenges of developing a large-scale encyclopedic database aimed at documenting the largest subset of Nazi-era camps, namely the more than 30,000 labor camps for foreign civilian forced laborers operating inside the 1942 borders of the Greater German Reich.

EHRI Document Blog Ukrainian Holocaust Testimonies

New EHRI Document Blogpost | Testimonies of Ukrainian Witnesses About the Holocaust in Volhynia


“Everyone Had to Do With It, Either Through Family or Some Other Means”

The latest EHRI Document Blogpost, written by Petro Dolhanov, looks at contemporary historiographical trends in the research on the Holocaust in Ukraine and analyses testimonies with residents of the historical-cultural region of Volhynia from the Voices (Holosy in Ukrainian) project.

Still Warsaw Past and Present

Invitation Workshop MuRem Project | Resistance, Memory Politics and the Presence of War


Workshop on Multiperspectivity in the Remembrance of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

10-12 May 2023 | Location: POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Warsaw, Poland

Multi-Perspective Holocaust Remembrance in Contemporary Europe (short: MuRem) – coordinated by the Berlin-based NGO Minor – is to build a network and strengthen multiperspectivity and interdisciplinarity in European Holocaust Education by taking into account the diversity of memory cultures and their consequences for the present. Therefore, we bring together representatives from different European institutions in the field of Holocaust Education and Remembrance in workshops and online events.

Berlin Memorial

EHRI Partner Yad Vashem | Call for Papers Research Seminar: Memory Maps


Memory Maps: Early Postwar Efforts to Identify, Locate, Document, and Memorialize Former Sites of Jewish Life and Death (1944–1955)

Research Seminar | January 3-4, 2024 | Location: Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, Israel | Proposal due date: June 1, 2023

Organisers: The Diana and Eli Zborowski Centre for the Study of the Aftermath of the Holocaust, The International Institute for Holocaust Research, Yad Vashem, Israel | The Center for Judaic Studies and Contemporary Jewish Life at the University of Connecticut, US

The Nazi persecution of European Jewry resulted in large-scale devastation; the murder of millions of innocent Jews, the physical destruction of their communities and homes, as well as the destruction of the sites of persecution. In some places, there were no signs of physical destruction as sites were used and adapted by the Nazis for their murderous plans, yet the people had gone.

EHRI and CLARIN Workshop

Call for Applications EHRI and CLARIN Workshop | Making Holocaust Oral Testimonies More Usable as Research Data


King’s College London, UK | 15-17 May 2023 | Deadline for Applications: 24 March 2023

The European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) and the Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure (CLARIN) are combining their expertise to explore Oral Testimonies of the Holocaust in a Hackathon to be held at King’s College London, Monday 15th – Wednesday 17th May 2023 inclusive.
