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Voices of Ravensbruck Map

CLARIN Project | Voices from Ravensbrück: The Value of Multilingual Oral History


This is an extract of an article that has been published as part of CLARIN's impact stories.

The Voices from Ravensbrück project is the result of the curation and selection of multilingual oral history interviews with survivors from the Ravensbrück concentration camp for women.

Organised and funded in the context of CLARIN’s Resource Families, this interdisciplinary project brings together multilingual experts in the fields of linguistics, speech technology, speech corpora curation, phonetics and history.

The project gives voice to a heterogeneous group of women who survived the Ravensbrück concentration camp, including resistance fighters, aid workers, prisoners of war, and Jewish women and children. After the camp was liberated by Soviet forces, the women returned home or emigrated.

Women in the Holocaust

Conference - Workshop - Fellowships | Women in the Holocaust International Study Center


Call for Papers International Conference on Women in the Holocaust | 10-12 October 2023, Belgrade, Serbia | Deadline for submission of proposals 28 February 2023

The Moreshet Mordechai Anielevich Memorial Holocaust Study and Research Center, Givat Haviva, Israel is pleased to announce a Call for Papers for its inaugural International Conference on Women in the Holocaust.

Podcast Gramophone Discs

New Release EHRI Podcast | A Box with Old Gramophone Discs Dusted Off


Release date: 8 December 2022 More about the Podcast Series For the Living and the Dead. Traces of the Holocaust

In this EHRI Podcast episode, we will talk about the unique discovery of 33 vinyl discs, a hidden treasure in the archive of the Jewish Contemporary Documentation Center, CDEC, in Milan. The discs contain recordings of interviews given in 1955 by six of the sixteen survivors of the rounding up of the Jews of Rome on 16 October 1943, the infamous “Black Saturday”. One of the testimonies is by Cesare and Lello Di Segni, father and son, who gave account of how they survived the Holocaust.

These very early testimonies of the Holocaust were found by accident by Laura Brazzo, head of the Archive and Digital Library of the CDEC Foundation.

Workshop Bodies and Borders

Call for Papers and Participants | Workshop "Bodies and Borders"


26th Workshop on the History and Memory of National Socialist Camps and Killing Sites | 4-10 September 2023, Łódź, Poland | Deadline for applications: 15 January 2023

You are invited to apply to the 26th Workshop on the History and Memory of National Socialist Camps and Killing Sites. The workshop will take place in Łódź, Poland, from 4 to 10 September 2023 and explore “bodies and borders” as analytical categories for the study of the Holocaust, Nazi camps and killing sites. The Workshop on the History and Memory of National Socialist Camps and Killing Sites has been held annually since 1994. This international workshop, organized by and for emerging scholars and Holocaust educators, provides an interdisciplinary and non-hierarchical forum dedicated to research on National Socialist camps and killing sites. In particular, the topics of persecution, forced labor, mass murder and the Holocaust, as well as their representation in various historical cultures, are discussed.

EHRI's Fellowship Network

Call for Applications | EHRI Conny Kristel Fellowships 2023


EHRI invites applications for its Conny Kristel Fellowship Programme for 2023. The next cut-off dates for applying for the EHRI Conny Kristel Fellowships are 20 January 2023 and 30 June 2023.

By facilitating international access to an unprecedented range of key archives and collections related to the Holocaust as well as access to archival and digital humanities expertise, the EHRI Conny Kristel Fellowships support and stimulate Holocaust research conducted by researchers, archivists, librarians, curators, and junior scholars, especially PhD candidates with limited resources. Projects funded concern the Holocaust broadly conceived, including its prehistory, its aftermath, and the role of antisemitism before, during and after World War II.

EHRI is offering Kristel Fellowships at 19 of its partner institutions, located in 13 countries in Europe and Israel and the US.

Read more and How to apply

A Photo from No-Man's Land

New Release EHRI Podcast | A Photo from No-Man's Land


Release date: 24 November 2022 More about the Podcast Series For the Living and the Dead. Traces of the Holocaust

In this episode, we talk about a photograph on the cover of a French magazine from 1938, showing two destitute looking women, stuck in so called No-Man’s Land. At the end of the 1930s, the emergence of “No Man’s Lands” symbolized the desperate situation of Jewish refugees who were expelled from countries throughout  East and Central Europe. Photos, testimonies and other source material that give a voice to survivors who stayed in these No Man’s Lands are scarce. However, Gerard Friedenfeld, who in 1938 found himself trapped in one of the No-Man’s Lands as a 14 year old boy, has given a harrowing account of his experiences and we can listen to his testimony.

Host Katharina Freise is joined by Michal Frankl, Senior Researcher at the Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences, who investigates No-Man’s Lands and the fate  of the refugees who ended up in these desolate places.

Photo conference Budapest

Watch Livestream Now | EHRI Conference "Reflections on Images of the Holocaust"


Online Event | 7 December 2022 | EHRI and the Holocaust Memorial Center in Budapest, Hungary

You are invited to follow online the conference Reflections on Images of the Holocaust in Central and Eastern Europe on Zoom or Facebook.

Photographs have an immediate emotional impact and can be seen as windows into past realities. They are important historical sources and priceless possessions of those who lost their families and other loved ones. Yet they are also all too often only seen as illustrations, as somehow less significant than textual and other materials.

In co-operation with the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure, the Holocaust Memorial Center in Budapest is organizing a conference to reflect on the significance of photographs of the Holocaust in Central and Eastern Europe.

MemoGIS Prague

EHRI Webinar 7 Dec | MemoGIS - the Spatial Exclusion of Jews in Protectorate Prague


Wednesday 7 December 3:00 - 4:30 PM CET | Zoom

The fourth EHRI webinar of this year will feature Aneta Plzáková and Daniela Bartáková, both from the Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague. They are actively involved in the making of the web application "MemoGIS Prague". 

"MemoGIS Prague" describes the fates of the Holocaust victims from Prague. It interprets and analyses the data gathered in the Holocaust Victims Database managed by the Terezín Initiative Institute, which contains, among other things, digitized copies of selected documents from the Prague Police Directorate's fund. By connecting historical information with the map of Prague, this application helps users to study the segregation and persecution of Jewish inhabitants through space.

EHRI Seminar in Romania

EHRI Seminar in Romania: Ruth Glasberg Gold Impressed with Talk about Transnistiria


On November 2-4, 2022, the EHRI Seminar: "A Multilevel Approach to the Holocaust in Romania", organized by the "Elie Wiesel" National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, took place in Bucharest, Romania.

The 3-day seminar provided an overview of methods, sources, new research topics, and approaches to the Holocaust in Romania. The schedule included speakers from Israel, Romania, the USA, and England.

Margareta Kraus

Call for Papers EHRI Partner | Symposium: New Directions in the Study of the Roma Genocide


10-11 May 2023, Wiener Holocaust Library, London, UK | Deadline for submission: 31 January 2023

This two-day, in-person symposium organised by The Wiener Holocaust Library and the University of Cambridge, taking place at the Library on the 10th-11th May 2023, will bring together early career researchers with senior academics to discuss new directions in the study of the Roma genocide.

In recent years, scholars have turned their attention to the experiences of persecuted Romani individuals and families, producing research that seeks to restore the agency and the voices of Roma victims of genocide, and contest narratives of anonymous mass victimhood. This has included increased research on resistance, memory, and memorialisation, as well as an interest in the post war legacy of the Roma genocide and its links to the persistent discrimination against Roma and Sinti communities.
