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EHRI 10 Years | Statements


The European Holocaust Research Infrastructure celebrated its 10 year anniversary in November 2020, a remarkable achievement for a project that started with a lifespan of 4 years - and that is now growing into a permanent infrastructure. To mark the occasion, we asked some prominent people who have been involved with EHRI and supported the project over the decade for a statement on EHRI and/or Holocaust Studies.

New EHRI Document Blog | Rescue and Parenting through Correspondence


“I give you my treasure. I beg you – you are also a mother – to save my child. God will repay you for everything, and I will too (…). My child will bring you luck, you will see. I beg you, yourself a mother, to have mercy on my child (…).”

Thus begins a desperate plea of a Jewish mother, Eda Kunstler, to a Catholic mother, Zofia Sendler. Eda searched for a way to save her infant daughter Anita from the Kraków ghetto in German-occupied Poland. The letter written in 1943 testifies to the desperation that Eda faced and illuminates the shreds of agency that she strove to exercise as a mother. More broadly, Eda’s note demonstrates the impossible choices that parents were forced to make in an effort to try to assure their children’s survival during the Holocaust.

Online Conference

Online Conference | "…the news came like a bolt from the blue." 80th Anniversary of Sealing Off the Warsaw Ghetto


EHRI partners, the Polish Center for Holocaust Research and the Jewish Historical Institute, both located in Warsaw, together with the Museum of the History of Polish Jews POLIN organise an Academic Conference "…the news came like a bolt from the blue." 80th Anniversary of Sealing Off the Warsaw Ghetto on November 16th, 10.00 AM (CET).

On 16 November 1940, armed guards appeared in the streets leading to the „Jewish residential district” established by the Germans in Warsaw. This symbolic date marks the creation of the largest Jewish ghetto in Nazi-occupied Europe. The 80th anniversary of the event has given rise to the idea of organizing an academic conference.

Kick Off EHRI 3

EHRI Gathers on Zoom to Kick Off Its Third Project Phase with Many New Plans


In November this year, the EHRI project will be 10 years old. For the first time in its existence, the Kick-Off meeting of a new phase was not an actual gathering of people but an online event. However, as Director of Archives at Yad Vashem and EHRI veteran, Haim Gertner, said: We are used to working from afar yet still close together, and this was visible during the Zoom event.

Karel Berkhoff at EHRI Conference Amsterdam

Project Director Karel Berkhoff on What to Expect From EHRI-3


On Wednesday 16 September, nearly 70 representatives from 25 institutions in Europe, Israel and the United States convened to kick off EHRI-3, the third phase of the EHRI project. For the first time since EHRI’s beginnings in 2010, this launch was entirely online. In the year of the start of this third phase, EHRI is already entering its eleventh year of existence.

Klezmer Concert at the Space of Synagogues

New EHRI Partner in Ukraine: The Center for Urban History of East Central Europe


The Center for Urban History of East Central Europe will mainly be involved in EHRI’s training and education and share their knowledge and experience for localisation and capacity building. The Center will also welcome EHRI fellows.

The Center for Urban History is an independent institution that focuses its work on urban history research, digital history projects, and public history activities. Our aims are to enhance international cooperation in research, to explore the possibilities of digital technologies in the humanities, and to rethink the roles of history in modern societies. The Center’s work has several objectives: to research the history of Eastern and Central European cities; to promote urban history in an interdisciplinary format; to foster international academic and cultural exchange; to deepen knowledge and understanding of the complexity and diversity of history and heritage in Eastern and Central European cities; and to enhance cooperation among local and international institutions.

University of Thessaloniki

New Partner in EHRI: The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki will be part of the Data Identification and Integration Work Package in EHRI and will add new Holocaust-related sources to the EHRI Portal. The university will also host several EHRI fellows.

Thessaloniki was annexed to the Greek State in 1912. As an Ottoman port city its population was a mixture of Jewish, Ottoman and Christian-Greek people, Jews being about 50% of the population at that time. As a result, Aristotle University has been inextricably linked to the Jewish community of Thessaloniki since its founding in 1925. Establishing a University and other educational institutions was an important goal for the Greek administration to assimilate and integrate the ethnically non-Greek population of the city. Despite a considerable delay, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki was finally established in 1925. In the interwar period, its expansion was the main concern.

EHRI General Partner Meeting

The EHRI-PP Consortium Takes Important Steps Towards Establishing EHRI as a Permanent Organisation


EHRI Meetings Held Online

Preceding the Kick-Off of the third phase of the EHRI project, the consortium of the EHRI Preparatory Phase (EHRI-PP) project held its second General Partner Meeting online. EHRI-PP has the specific task to transform EHRI from a project into a permanent organization. Although it was sad that we could not, as was originally planned, meet in person at EHRI partner Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, the Zoom event was successful.

EHRI Document Blog

New EHRI Document Blog | Connecting the Records of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission


We were arrested at the Hungarian border and taken to the camp Stryi [a prisoner of war camp near Lviv in Ukraine], where we spent 12 days in prison. They brought a Jew to the camp, took everything he had, and gave him a rope to hang himself. The Germans didn’t pay attention to us because they took us for Russian prisoners, even the chief of police. When we began to protest that we didn’t want this Jew to hang himself in the prison, I received a good slap and a big kick in the kidneys. The head German came to find out what had happened. We told him that we didn’t want a man hanged in the prison, that this was a crime. He responded that it didn’t matter, that it was a Jew. We told him we were French prisoners of war and we did not want to be present for this crime. He took us into the office of the chief of police for several minutes. When we returned to the prison, we were left with the hanged man for another two hours. This is German civilization.

The above testimony was one of several that French prisoners of war gave to Soviet investigators in 1944-1945 after being liberated by the Red Army in western Ukraine. Once the war was over, this French soldier returned to his life as a miner in a village in the north of France and left no other written record of what he had witnessed of the Nazi genocide of the European Jews.

IHRA Grant Program

Funding | IHRA Grant Program for Projects to Safeguard the Historical Record of the Holocaust and Roma Genocide


The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) grants are awarded to projects which aim to safeguard the historical record (including sites, testimony and archival materials) of the Holocaust and the genocide of the Roma and which counter distortion.
