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Call for EHRI-Seminar | The Lviv Ghetto: Narrating and Mapping the History of Exclusion and Violence


Location: Online | Date: 18-22 July 2022 | Application Deadline: 1 March 2022

We invite Holocaust scholars, educators, representatives of archives and museums, tour guides, and digital humanities professionals to take part in the EHRI-Seminar “The Lviv Ghetto: Narrating and Mapping the History of Exclusion and Violence”, organized by EHRI partner the Center for Urban History of East Central Europe (Lviv, Ukraine).

EHRI Document Blog

New EHRI Document Blog | Polish-Jewish Industrialists and Their Links to Loved Ones


An Analysis of the Correspondence of Dr Joseph Thon | Invitation to Polish speaking scholars

The latest EHRI Document Blog Post, wiritten by Charlie Knight, contextualises the correspondence between the representative of the Polish Jewish Refugee Fund in Geneva, Joseph Thon, and five Polish citizens forced to flee to England in 1939-1940. By looking into the specific connections and relationships that joined the refugees, the post analyses how they exercised their connection with Joseph Thon in Geneva to procure information on, and support for, their families and friends in Poland.

The post also invites Polish speaking scholars to do further research on the letters in the Abraham Silberschein deposit at Yad Vashem to create a fuller picture of Thon’s activities in Geneva and the networks which existed.

IHRA Toolkit Against Distortion

IHRA Toolkit against Holocaust Distortion: Take Action to Protect the Legacy of the Holocaust


IHRA Toolkit Against Distortion

Holocaust distortion is the greatest contemporary threat to the legacy of the Holocaust. It harms our democracies, normalizes antisemitism and fuels extremism. But despite the danger it poses, Holocaust distortion is often overlooked and rarely leads to concrete action.

To honour International Holocaust Remembrance Day on 27 January, the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) has launched a Toolkit Against Holocaust Distortion.


Call for Proposals | Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV)




The objective of this call for proposals is to support projects aimed at commemorating defining events in modern European history, including the causes and consequences of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, and at raising awareness among European citizens of their common history, culture, cultural heritage and values, thereby enhancing their understanding of the Union, its origins, purpose, diversity and achievements and of the importance of mutual understanding and tolerance.

Policy initiatives supported:

The Wiener Library New Digital Resource

EHRI Partner | Refugee Stories: An Innovative New Digital Resource by The Wiener Holocaust Library


EHRI's partner The Wiener Holocaust Library have launched a new and innovative digital resource a Refugee Map. You can explore hundreds of refugee stories from The Wiener Holocaust Library’s Family Paper collections and follow the lives of individuals and families who fled Nazi persecution through unique and irreplaceable documents.

EHRI Expert Group on Photographs

Invitation to Archivists and Scholars Working with Holocaust Photographs | Join the EHRI Expert Group


Are you an archivist or scholar often working with Holocaust photographs? Are you interested in keeping in touch with your international peers in this important specialization? Amplify your expertise through networking. 

We would like to invite archivists and scholars with recognized experience in working with photographs depicting aspects of the Holocaust (including its prelude, and clearly related aftermath) to join the Holocaust Photographs Expert Group, an international community organized by EHRI. Members of this group will benefit from joint learning sessions, networking with peers, and opportunities for cooperation with the EHRI network.

Call Archivists Expert Group

Invitation to Archivists Dealing with Holocaust Documentation | Amplify Your Expertise through Networking


Are you an archivist dealing with Holocaust Documentation? Are you providing reference or information services to users on a regular basis? We are looking for you!

We would like to invite archivists who provide services and information regarding Holocaust related documentation to take part in an expert community, organized by EHRI.

Networking with peers

Members of this expert group will benefit from joint learning sessions, networking with peers, and opportunity for cooperation and integration into the EHRI network. EHRI intends to identify additional relevant groups of experts in sub-specializations of Holocaust documentation, and create networks and platforms where such experts’ groups can meet, exchange information and consult.

Online Edition on Diplomatic  Reports

New Document Blog | Diplomatic Reports on the Holocaust – An EHRI Online Edition


In the latest EHRI Document Blog post, Anna Ullrich (Leibniz Institute for Contemporary History and EHRI) takes a closer look at the most recently published EHRI Online Edition on Diplomatic Reports. The Online Edition focuses on how diplomatic staff reported the persecution and murder of European Jews during World War II.

Image of Computer by Kevin Bhagat

EHRI-3 General Partner Meeting: Connecting Expertise, Archives and People


26-27 October 2021

The General Partner Meetings of both EHRI projects scheduled for October, were again held virtually. Many participants had expressed their hope for in-person meetings this time, but with so many people from so many countries involved and the coronavirus pandemic still making its mark, it proved impossible for everyone to meet face to face. However, EHRI being a both a human and digital network, the virtual meetings were very successful.

Image vinyl discs

EHRI Partner | Six Extraordinary Testimonies of Survivors of Italy's "Black Saturday", 16 October 1943


Last month, EHRI's Italian partner the Foundation Jewish Contemporary Documentation Center CDEC published six extraordinary testimonies of survivors of the rounding up of Jews on October 16th, 1943 - the infamous “Black Saturday”, an indelible event in the memory of the Roman Jews.

The testimonies, recorded on five 33 vinyl discs, were recently found by Laura Brazzo, Head of the CDEC Archive and the CDEC Digital Library, during a re-organization of the CDEC Archive.
