Andrea Löw


Andrea Löw, Dr. phil, is the Deputy Head of the Center for Holocaust Studies at the Institute for Contemporary History in Munich. Within EHRI, she ist member of the Project Managment Board and leader of Work Package 5 (Training).

She joined the Institute for Contemporary History in 2007; before that she had a position as a researcher at the Research Unit for Holocaust Literature at the University of Gießen where she also taught on the Holocaust and organised excursions to places connected with the history of the Holocaust in Poland.

She published several books and many articles on these topics. Her publications (among others): Der Holocaust. Ergebnisse und neue Fragen der Forschung, Frankfurt am Main 2015 (editor, together with Frank Bajohr), Alltag im Holocaust. Jüdisches Leben im Großdeutschen Reich 1941-1945, München 2013 (editor, together with Doris L. Bergen und Anna Hájková), Das Warschauer Getto. Alltag und Widerstand im Angesicht der Vernichtung, München 2013 (together with Markus Roth), Juden in Krakau unter deutscher Besatzung 1939-1945, Göttingen 2011 (together with Markus Roth), Das Getto Litzmannstadt. Lebensbedingungen, Selbstwahrnehmung, Verhalten, Göttingen 2006.