NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Amsterdam


Christine Kausch (Germany), doctoral student, University of Münster, “Zuflucht auf Zeit – Jüdische Flüchtlinge aus Deutschland in den Niederlanden 1933-1945”.

Christine Kausch is a PhD Candidate at the University of Münster and is working on a project about German-Jewish refugees in the Netherlands 1933-1945. It focuses especially on aspects of the refugees’ daily life and mentality. (Read more about her research: dissertationsprojekte/christinekausch)

Christine studied history, political science and musicology at the Ruhr University of Bochum, the Macquarie University of Sydney and the University of Groningen. She wrote her Master’s thesis about the practice of indemnification in North Rhine-Westphalia (Die Entschädigungspraxis in NRW am Beispiel von zwei deutsch-jüdischen Familien) in the context of a German-Israeli project about the “The Practice of Wiedergutmachung: Nazis-Victims and Indemnification in Israel and Germany, 1952-2002”.

For several years, she worked for the Mahn- und Gedenkstätte Düsseldorf, a local memorial for the victims of National Socialism in Düsseldorf. Thereafter, she was responsible for the online information portal NiederlandeNet (, which provides information about the Netherlands and the Dutch-German relations.

Christine will use her fellowship at the NIOD to make final research for her almost completed project and to discuss it with Dutch colleagues.