EHRI Newsletter 2011 |
e-Newsletter for Experts in Holocaust Documentation
Welcome to the first issue of the e-Newsletter for Experts in Holocaust Documentation, facilitated and developed as part of the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI). The aim of the newsletter is to share and disseminate knowledge and new insights, and to organize a continuous exchange of knowledge and views between experts in methodological fields of Holocaust research. This newsletter represents an additional complementary networking channel to the Expert Workshops, two of which have already taken place - "Recording the Names: Four Million Shoah Victims Documented", and "The Holocaust and Photographic Documentation".
We hope you find this issue interesting and resourceful, and we look forward to your feedback.
Issue in Focus - Holocaust Victims' Names |
Four Million Victims’ Names Identified
Yad Vashem has now collected two-thirds of the names of all Holocaust victims – four million names. One of its central missions since its foundation, the recovery of each and every victim's name and personal story, has resulted in relentless efforts – with the support of Jewish and other organizations worldwide – to reach a complete account of the six million Jews murdered by the Nazis and their accomplices. (From Yad Vashem Magazine #60)
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International Workshop Investigates New Ideas for Names Recovery
In July 2011, Yad Vashem convened an international workshop for professionals collecting and computerizing names of Holocaust victims around the world. 'Recording the Names' was the first in a series of EHRI workshops which will allow experts in various methodological subfields of Holocaust documentation to share information and ideas.
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Related Projects
How Many People Can We Commemorate By Name?
The Digital Repository of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum
The digitalization of records at the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum began in 1991, focusing on all deportees to KL Auschwitz. In this overview article Krzysztof Antończyk, Director of the Digital Repository, presents the methodology of documentation and a breakdown of the state of documentation at the moment.
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On the Genocide of Jewish Population in Belarus Republic During WWII: Belarus State Archives Documents
Dr. Vladimir Adamushko, Director of Archives and Records Management under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus, presents information regarding the archival documentation of the Holocaust in Belarus.
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"A Memorial and A Name”
Restoring the Identities of 24 Death March Victims
In this article, Yad Vashem's Sheryl Ochayon describes a special project designed to uncover the names and identities of several death march victims that left Auschwitz in January, 1945. The project was undertaken by Ms. Naama Galil, Director of Yad Vashem’s Guiding Department, aided by other Yad Vashem researchers, as well as archivists and experts in research from all over Europe.
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The Mass Murder of Jews on Occupied Soviet Territory:
Current State of Research
Since 2006 the International Institute for Holocaust Research at Yad Vashem, in cooperation with the Yad Vashem Archives, has been carrying out an extensive project collecting archival material relating to murder sites of Jews who lived in Nazi-occupied Soviet territories. In this article Lea Prais, director of the project, provides the current state of research.
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Bridging the Divide: Holocaust versus Jewish History Research —
Problems and Challenges
Historian Guy Miron provides a penetrating analysis of Holocaust scholarship and general Jewish history, and the respective places of each in the other field of inquiry. (Orig. from Yad Vashem Studies, Vol. 38 [2].)
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Workshop Report: The Holocaust and (Digital) Photographic Documentation (September 2011)
René Kok, Picture Researcher at NIOD, provides a report on the Holocaust and Photographic Documentation Workshop, which took place under the auspices of the EHRI project during September 2011. The overall aim of the workshop was to stimulate further discussion among people dealing professionally and in a scholarly manner with Holocaust photography.
Additional articles relating to the topic of visual documentation will appear in a future newsletter.
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Two Upcoming EHRI Workshops
In 2012 we are planning to conduct two international workshops:
- A workshop on Holocaust survivor testimonies will be hosted by the Wiener Library in London, April 30-May 2, 2012
- A workshop on early attempts at Holocaust archival documentation will be held at the Holocaust Memorial Center in Budapest in Autumn 2012
Calls for Papers for these two events will be issued soon. Researchers and experts working in the fields described will be invited to submit proposals for papers to be discussed at the workshops.
  The project European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) is financed by FP7 (the 7th
Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development) of the European Union.