Workshop on Research at German Memorial Sites and Documentation Centers

October 26-30, 2015 – Washington, DC, USA
Applications due no later than April 13, 2015
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies and the Center for Holocaust Studies at the Institute for Contemporary History in Munich (Zentrum für Holocaust-Studien am Institut für Zeitgeschichte München) are pleased to invite applications for a Workshop on Research at German Memorial Sites and Documentation Centers on the History of National Socialism and the Holocaust. The workshop will take place on October 26–30, 2015 at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC.
Applications are welcome from all staff members engaged in scholarly research at German memorial sites and documentation centers on the history of National Socialism and the Holocaust.
The aim of this workshop is to
- discuss contemporary challenges facing staff engaged in high-level research at such sites today
- acquaint staff members engaged in research at such sites with the teaching and research resources and programs of the Museum’s Mandel Center and
- acquaint Museum staff with research trends at such sites, so as to identify areas of common concern around which partnerships can be built. The week will consist of three days of discussions among participants and two days for individual consultation and exploration of the resources of the Museum.
Participants will be asked to come prepared to discuss major new research projects underway at their memorial sites/documentation centers and with ideas for partnered projects between their memorial sites/documentation centers, the Center for Holocaust Studies at the Institute for Contemporary History in Munich, and the Museum’s Mandel Center.
Participants will include staff from the Mandel Center and the Munich Center as well as members of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council’s Academic Committee.
For participants, awards include:
- economy-class travel to and from each participant’s home city/institution and Washington, DC, up to the amount of $1,250;
- lodging for the summit’s duration
- $250 toward the cost of meals, local transit, luggage surcharges, and other incidental expenses.
Participants are responsible for making their own travel arrangements. Participants are encouraged to explore the most cost-effective airline carriers and must submit a receipt for economy-class airfare between their home/institution and Washington, DC in order to be reimbursed, not to exceed $1,250. Air travel reimbursement and the $250 stipend will be distributed within four weeks of the seminar’s conclusion via direct deposit.
Participants are required to attend the full duration of the summit.
Staff members engaged in scholarly research in German memorial sites and documentation centers on the history of National Socialism and the Holocaust are invited to submit applications. Directors of memorial sites/documentation center are also invited to apply. Applicants should indicate any previous experience with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
Applications must be submitted in English and include:
- A Letter of Intent from the applicant discussing the research projects the applicant is engaged in at his/her memorial site/documentation center.
- An up-to-date CV (Curriculum Vitae).
- A Letter of Reference from the Director of the memorial site/documentation center in which the applicant is employed. In instances where the applicant holds the position of director, a letter of reference from the board to which they are responsible should be included.
All application materials may be sent by mail, fax, or email attachment. All application materials must be received by April 13, 2015. Selected participants will be notified by mid May 2015
Inquiries and applications should be addressed to:
Dr. Suzanne Brown-Fleming
Director, Visiting Scholar Programs
Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW
Washington, DC 20024-2126
202.314.7802 (Telephone)
202.479.9726 (Fax)
Dr. Andrea Löw
Stellvertretende Leiterin
Zentrum für Holocaust-Studien am
Institut für Zeitgeschichte
Leonrodstr. 46 b
80636 München
(T) 0049-89-552790710