Simon Wiesenthal Conference 2013

Friday, November 1st, 2013
SWC 2013: Collaboration in Eastern Europe during World War II and the Holocaust 
Thursday, 5th December 2013 –  10:00 to Saturday, 7th December 2013 – 18:00
Palais Trautson, Museumstraße 7, 1070 Wien-Neubau

This three-day conference will bring together scholars from all disciplines working on complicity and collaboration in a number of European countries to share their research with each other and the public. The conference will consist of two and a half days of presentations and roundtable discussions open to the public, and one half day of workshop sessions. 

This conference will seek to highlight new research on the complexity and dynamics of complicity and collaboration in such areas as:

  • Mass killing and other atrocities 
  • Forced and slave labour 
  • Everyday life on the front and under occupation; 
  • Plunder, robbery and expropriation; 
  • Radicalisation of local politics during Nazi occupation; 
  • Understudied victims.

The conference will be conducted in English and German and has been organised by the Centre for Advanced Holocaust Studies, The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI).

For further information, please contact Krista Hegburg, PhD, program officer, Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, at

Preliminary program