EHRI Newsletter - November 2013
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Please follow us on Twitter @EHRIproject and stay updated as the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure project enters its final year and we start to countdown towards the launch of the online portal and research environment, that will provide you access to dispersed Holocaust related sources.

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The Wiener Library at 80: The Endurance of Truth

On the 7th November, EHRI partner The Wiener Library: For the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide celebrated the eighty years since it began its work as a record and archive of Nazism and anti-Semitism.

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EHRI Fellow Katja Happe researched the persecution of Dutch Jews

Since May 2012, Katja Happe has been a research associate at the Department of Modern and Contemporary History at the University of Freiburg, Germany, for the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) project "The history of the persecution of Jews in the Netherlands 1940-1945". She was an EHRI fellow for four weeks in September 2013 at the NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies. During her fellowship she did research for her project that will result in a book. She has specialized in Dutch-German history and had visited the NIOD before

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People in EHRI: Kepa Joseba Rodriguez

Kepa works for the Research and Development Department of the Göttingen State and University Library, Germany. In the lab, he is active for the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure and works on the creation of the online portal and research environment.

I graduated with a Doctorate at the Centre for Mind and Brain Sciences (CiMEC) at the University of Trento (Italy) with a focus in Computational Linguistics and Corpus Linguistics.

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Exhibition Mémorial de la Shoah: Scenes from the Ghetto
November 13, 2013 - September 28, 2014

Between 15,000 and 20,000 photographs were taken in the ghettos during World War II. What is the meaning of these pictures? Propaganda? Testimony? Resistance? Denunciation for History? The answers may be found in the context of the photos as well as in the personality of the photographers.

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Recent Work Towards the EHRI Portal

Petra Links is an archivist who works at the NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies in Amsterdam and is very involved in EHRI. Here Petra gives an overview of recently completed work that paves the way for the creation of the portal: the identification of user requirements, the research on metadata standards and the implementation and development of a thesaurus in combination with authority files.

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Truth and Lies. Filming in the Terezín Ghetto 1942-1945

Exhibition Jewish Museum Prague

Film was used by the Third Reich as a powerful tool for controlling public opinion. Two propaganda films were made about the Terezín ghetto during the war. On the basis of the latest findings, EHRI partner the Jewish Museum in Prague and the Czech National Film Archive created an exhibition. It charts the history behind both films, focuses on the people who initiated them and describes the conditions for the filming. Many prisoners were forced to take part as actors, extras and film crew members.

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CfP: The International Tracing Service (ITS) Collections and Holocaust Scholarship

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington

The Centre for Advanced Holocaust Studies and EHRI partner the International Tracing Service invite applications for an international conference designed to illustrate the broad academic research potential of the ITS collections.

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