New Online Course on Analysing Datasets with Examples Based on Holocaust Research

The European Holocaust Research Infrastructure has developed, among its Online Courses, a Swirl-based online learning environment based on the R programming language. Each course lesson is devoted to a single topic, providing examples, exercises, self-assessment questions and references.
Holocaust research-based examples
The course’s goal is to provide users with a knowledge base that will allow users to apply R-based tools to datasets of interest. Within the frame of the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure project, this course allows users to acquire competences that can be used to analyse real life-based datasets, as demonstrated by the Holocaust research-based examples provided during the course.
Users will find instructions on how to run the course either on the cloud or on their personal machines, providing them with an introduction to R programming language, text analysis, spatial modelling, statistics art and visualization.
Visit the EHRI Online Course Cultural Analytics: Interactive Learning Environment in R