National Police Forces in Europe and the Holocaust 1939-1945

Monday, June 4th, 2012
Academic opening conference in the framework of the Belgian Chairmanship of the Task Force for International cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research. Lamot Centre – Mechelen, Monday 25 June 2012
This conference is organized under the umbrella of Eucowas (European Cooperation on War Studies). This is an international partnership coordinated by Belgian EHRI partner CEGES-SOMA. This conference is co-organized with the Institut für Geschichte of the Alpen Adria University of Klagenfurt (Austria).
During the German occupation of pargeparts of Europe (1939-1945) policing was also enacted by national police forces of the occupied countries. These national police forces were taken over or (as in parts of Eastern Europe) newly created. They often outnumbered the German police by far.
Read more on this Conference and how to register >> Conference National Police Forces in Europe and the Holocaust.