National Jewish Book Award for Laura Jockusch

The Jewish Book Council, an American organisation, gave the National Jewish Book Award 2012 to Laura Jockusch for her book Collect and Record! Jewish Holocaust Documentation in Early Postwar Europe, published by Oxford University Press in August 2012.
Laura Jockusch gave an excellent keynote speech about the same subject in December 2012 at the EHRI workshop Early Attempts at the Historical Documentation of the Holocaust.
Dr. Laura Jockusch (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) examines in her book the beginnings of Holocaust research by Jews and from a Jewish perspective in the aftermath of World War II. Comparing the cases of France, Poland, Germany, Austria, and Italy, her research challenges the misconception that survivors remained silent about their pasts for several decades and that systematic research on the Holocaust began only in the 1960s. It demonstrates that history writing constituted an integral response of those who had endured, witnessed, and survived the European Jewish catastrophe and that their early postwar initiatives were trailblazers for later Holocaust historiography.