Michal Frankl

Michal Frankl is the Deputy Director and the Head of the Department of Jewish Studies and of the History of Antisemitism in the Jewish Museum in Prague. His research interests include modern antisemitism, refugee policy, and the Holocaust.
He was the co-editor of two volumes of the Theresienstädter Gedenkbücher and is the author of “Prag ist nunmehr antisemitisch”. Tschechischer Antisemitismus am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts (Metropol: Berlin 2011), Unsichere Zuflucht. Die Tschechoslowakei und ihre Flüchtlinge aus NS-Deutschland und Österreich 1933-1938 (Böhlau: Köln 2012; with Kateřina Čapková), edited Jan Neruda Ja Židé. Texty a kontexty [Jan Neruda and the Jews. Texts and contexts] (Akropolis: Praha 2012, with Jindřich Toman) and of numerous articles.
He has extensive experience with educational projects and with digitisation of archival documents and their publication online and serves as the leader of the work package “Trans-institutional research guides” in the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure.