The Holocaust and the Digital

Online forum discussion
Tuesday 9th December 2014, 12 Noon (GMT)
Abstracts are available here:
The forum will take place online. All presenters will need a microphone and webcam, it would be useful for all attendees to have this equipment also, in order to fully participate in the discussion. We ask that the speakers and chair ‘arrive’ in the digital space 15 minutes before the start in order to check technical set-ups and advise checking presentations etc beforehand. Speakers are asked to submit any presentations and video or audio clips 48 hours in advance, so these may be loaded into the space before the day.
Access information will be sent before the event.
Registration details
To register to attend the forum, please email by December 1st 2014 with your full name, affiliation and country (with time zone). There are limited places due to the platform’s capacity so please ensure your register to avoid disappointment.
We welcome academics and other stakeholders interested in Holocaust/ genocide commemoration, education and representation. It would be excellent to have a diverse cohort to stimulate thought-provoking discussion and debate.
If you cannot attend the research forum, but would like details of forthcoming events, feel free to email and you will be added to the mailing list.