Frank Bajohr

Frank Bajohr, Dr. phil. habil., is head of the Center for Holocaust Studies at the Institute of Contemporary History in Munich and Lecturer at the Universities in Hamburg and Munich.
He had been Research Fellow at the International Institute for Holocaust Research in Yad Vashem and at the Center for Advanced Holocaust Research at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington.
Within EHRI he is member of the Project Management Board and is responsible for work package 4 (Coordinating Transnational Access to Research Infrastructures).
He is author or editor of fifteen books, mostly on the history of Nazi Period and the Holocaust. His recent publications include: Der Holocaust. Ergebnisse und neue Fragen der Forschung, Frankfurt am Main 2015 (editor, with Andrea Löw); Alfred Rosenberg. Die Tagebücher 1934-1944, Frankfurt am Main 2015 (editor, with Jürgen Matthäus); Bedrohung, Hoffnung, Skepsis. Vier Tagebücher des Jahres 1933, Göttingen 2013 (with Beate Meyer and Joachim Szodrzynski); Fremde Blicke auf das „Dritte Reich“. Berichte ausländischer Diplomaten über Herrschaft und Gesellschaft in Deutschland 1933-1945, Göttingen 2011 (editor, with Christoph Strupp); Der Holocaust als offenes Geheimnis. Die Deutschen, die NS-Führung und die Alliierten, München 2006, jap. edition 2011 (with Dieter Pohl); Volksgemeinschaft. Neue Forschungen zur Gesellschaft des Nationalsozialismus, Frankfurt 2009 (editor, with Michael Wildt); “Aryanisation” in Hamburg. The Economic Exclusion of Jews and the Confiscation of their Property, New York, Oxford 2002.