EHRI Present at Forum Z Event in Luxembourg on Holocaust History and Memory

On the 5th of February, EHRI will be present at the ForumZ event Holocaust History and Memory, organised by the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH). ForumZ (Z for “Zeitgeschichte”, contemporary history) is a public platform for a critical and open discussion of current issues in contemporary Luxembourgish and European history. Interested citizens are invited to debate with experts about selected (society-related) topics, new approaches and new sources in contemporary history. ForumZ as well as EHRI are both engaged in bringing history beyond the university walls and into the public sphere.
Adina Babeş, who works for EHRI at Belgian partner institute CegeSoma, will demonstrate some of EHRI’s resources during the first part of the event Holocaust research in the digital age. She can als anwer questions about the EHRI project. She will be joined by colleagues from many other interestsing projects or institutions related to the Holocaust. The second part of the event is dedicated to short presentations and a round-table discussion will conclude the day.
Holocaust History and Memory is organised at the Orangerie – Domaine Thermal Mondorf at Mondorf-les-Bains. Entrance is free, but registration is appreciated.
For more information and registration, visit the ForumZ website.