EHRI-IP Partners

The EHRI Implementation Phase project (EHRI-IP) will run from February 2024 – January 2026. EHRI has reached its goal of becoming a permanent European organisation in January 2025. Within EHRI-IP, the partners involved are undertaking all the necessary legal, financial and strategic work to have this permanent organisation or ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) fully operational by the end of the implementation phase.


KNAW-NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies (NL)

NIOD is a knowledge and information centre on war and large-scale violence in the 20th and 21st century. NIOD’s area of work focuses on research into the effects of wars, the Holocaust and other genocides on individuals and society.

NIOD is coordinator of EHRI and leads on management, communication, dissemination and exploitation, and impact, innovation and sustainability. KNAW-NIOD and KNAW-DANS are one partner in EHRI.

Belgian State Archives/CegeSoma (BE)

The Belgian State Archives, a scientific institution of the Belgian federal state, obtain and preserve archive documents that are at least 30 years old from courts, tribunals, public authorities, notaries and from the private sector and private individuals that have played an important role in society. These archives are made accessible for research by means of inventories, research guides and digital tools.

The Belgian State Archives keep the key archival collections for the study of the Holocaust and its aftermath in Belgium, as the complete archive of the Military Justice, which was in charge of punishment of collaboration after 1944. The War Victims archives section keep important collections on camps where people from Belgium were interned and personal files of the post-war schemes to compensate the resistance fighters and war victims, including the Jews.

Within the State Archives, operational directorate 4, the Study Centre War and Society (CegeSoma), will perform the tasks in this project. CegeSoma, is a specialized research and documentation centre on the Second World War created in 1967 and integrated in the Belgian State Archives in 2016. Next to collecting archives from private individuals and private organisation and making them accessible, this Centre has a built over 50 years a specialized library and has moreover conducted research on different aspects of the Second World War, including the Holocaust. CegeSoma is integrated in national and international research networks and is involved as coordinator and partner in national and international research projects on both World Wars and post-war memories.

Since the second half of the 1990’s, CegeSoma is developing tools for digital access to its collections and digitized parts of the collections, starting with photos. By means of specific projects financed by the Belgian federal science policy office, CegeSoma is involved in digital humanities research. CegeSoma was a partner in EHRI 1 and EHRI 2.

In EHRI IP CegeSoma leads the operalization of the Central Hub.

Square de l’aviation 29 1070 Bruxelles Phone : 02 556 92 11 email :

Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CZ)

Founded by the first Czechoslovak president Thomas G. Masaryk in 1932 and joined with the Archives of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences later, the institute is a leading Czech research organisation with focus on the history of the 19th and 20th centuries.

It combines primary historical research with archival experience. In line with Masaryk’s legacy, it aims to ask new questions on difficult and complex topics in Czech and European modern history, including war, mass violence and genocide, migration and refugees, as well as nationalism and various forms of racism.

The Masaryk Institute leads the work on strengthening the national nodes and thematic layers across collections.

Read more about the Masaryk Institute

Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center (IL)

Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, was established by the Israeli Parliament in 1953. Located on the Mount of Remembrance in Jerusalem, Yad Vashem is dedicated to Holocaust remembrance, documentation, research and education. Through the International School for Holocaust Studies, the Museum Complex, the International Institute for Holocaust Research and Publications Department, the Archives with over 210 million pages of documentation, the Hall of Names, the Library, and its monuments and memorials, Yad Vashem seeks to meaningfully impart the legacy of the Shoah for generations to come. Every year, some 1,000,000 people visit Yad Vashem’s 45-acre campus, and millions more explore various aspects of the Holocaust through Yad Vashem’s activities around the world and online. Drawing on the memories of the past, Yad Vashem aims to strengthen commitment to Jewish continuity and protect basic human values.

Yad Vashem is involved in the EHRI leadership and leads work on internationalization and partnerships, and localization and capacity building.

Center for Holocaust Studies at the Leibniz Institute for Contemporary History (DE)

The Leibniz Institute for Contemporary History (IfZ) studies 20th and 21st century German history in its European and international contexts. The Center for Holocaust Studies at the IfZ not only engages in Holocaust research, but also offers fellowships and training.

The Center for Holocaust Studies leads the work on training and education and science, user and technological strategies. and

Dokumentačné Stredisko Holokaustu (DSH) (SK)

Dokumentačné stredisko holokaustu (Holocaust Documentation Centre) in Bratislava was established as an independent institution in November 2005. The goal of the Center is to collect archival and other documents connected to the Slovak Jewish community and the Holocaust as well as to conduct research on these topics. In addition, it educates students and teachers about the Holocaust and phenomena associated with this era, such as anti-Semitism, xenophobia, intolerance and racism.

Kazerne Dossin: Memorial, Museum and Research Centre on Holocaust and Human Rights, Mechelen (BE)

Kazerne Dossin is a place with great historical importance: from July 1942 up to the liberation in September 1944, the barracks (“kazerne”) functioned as a SS-Sammellager from which 25,800 Jews, Roma and Sinti were deported, mainly to Auschwitz-Birkenau.

After the end of the Second World War, the building again served its original purpose as a school for the administration of the armed forces. However, in 1975, this military institute moved, after which the Dossin barracks fell into disuse. This is why the complex was divided into apartments in the 1980s. Part of the building was also used as of 1995 for the former Jewish Museum of Deportation and Resistance. This museum was founded by a number of Jewish survivors, including the late Natan Ramet, and was inaugurated by King Albert II on 7th May of that year. The museum was a success from the outset, its permanent exhibition attracting 35,000 visitors a year. But as visitor numbers grew, it needed to expand. In 2001 the Flemish Government supported the plans for a new Holocaust and Human Rights Museum and put in place the financing to renovate and develop the museum site.

The new museum complex opened at the end of November 2012 and focuses on the Holocaust (Belgian case) and transposes the themes of mass violence and human rights to current day affairs. Kazerne Dossin’s Research Centre’s main objective is to preserve and digitize original documents and other records relating to the Holocaust.

Kazerne Dossin is leading on data identification and integration.

The Wiener Holocaust Library (UK)

The Wiener Holocaust Library is one of the world’s leading and most extensive archives on the Holocaust and Nazi era. Formed in 1933, the Library’s unique collection of over one million items includes published and unpublished works, press cuttings, photographs and eyewitness testimony. The Library provides a resource to oppose anti-Semitism and other forms of prejudice and intolerance.

The library exists to serve scholars, professional researchers, the media and the public as a library of record and is a living memorial to the evils of the past, ensuring that its wealth of materials is put at the service of the future. The Wiener Holocaust Library aims to engage people of all ages and backgrounds in understanding the Holocaust and its historical context through an active educational programme and by communicating the accessibility, power and contemporary relevance of its collections as a national resource for those wishing to prevent possible future genocides.

Elie Wiesel National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania (RO)

The Elie Wiesel National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania is a research institute located in Bucharest. It has several departments: research and editing, education and communication, library and archive, administration and accounting.

The Wiesel Institute conducts research projects and coordinates education and communication activities. It has the most important and complete archive containing official documents on the Holocaust in Romania, as well as a specialized library containing academic literature on the subject. In our archive, researchers can find over 1 mil. documents that come from the main archival sources regarding the Holocaust in Romania like: the National Archives of Romania, the Government Archives, the Ministries Archives, the Secret Services Archives, and the Romanian Jewish Federations Archives. Researchers, both Romanian and international, are given on-site access to the library and archive; over 400 students, BA, MA, and PhD, as well as national and international researchers accessed the Library and Archive since its creation.

The Wiesel Institute develops activities in the field of education (e.g. offering training in the area of fighting anti-Semitism, xenophobia and racism, and teaching about Holocaust to high school teachers), and in the field of communication (e.g. conferences, seminars, public debates, public reactions).

The Wiesel Institute is represented in EHRI by the Department of Research. The Research Department conducts projects in a broad area of subjects related to the Holocaust in Romania, with national and international funding, and in cooperation with different institutions and organizations from Romania and abroad. I Facebook page

Wiener Wiesenthal Institut für Holocaust-Studien (VWI) (AT)

The Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) is a research centre dedicated to the research and documentation of and education on all aspects of antisemitism, racism, and the Holocaust, including its emergence and aftermath. It was designed by Simon Wiesenthal as well as international and Austrian researchers. The institute is located in Vienna, Austria.

VWI’s research activity focuses on own academic projects as well as on an extensive fellowship programme, which engages in intensive and on-going exchange with researchers in other institutions, thus ensuring constant scholarly innovation and consideration of new questions and innovative methods. VWI’s activity in the field of documentation centres on its own collections, namely the Holocaust-related parts of the archive of the Viennese Jewish Community, which are on loan to the institute, and the estate of Simon Wiesenthal with its extensive holdings on Nazi perpetrators, as well as the VWI library. Education is VWI’s third pillar of activity. Its intention is on the one hand to transfer the results of the research of the institute to a scholarly or an interested public by the means of conferences, workshops, lectures and other events, and on the other hand to ensure constant awareness for crimes against humanity, especially in the context of the Holocaust by interventions in the public sphere. VWI also publishes two book series and the e-journal S:I.M.O.N. – Shoah: Intervention. Methods. Documentation.

All activities build on the recommendations, suggestions, and initiatives made by an International Academic Advisory Board both in content and concept and in the selection of the fellows.

VWI is leading acquisition of new members and funding.

Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute (PL) / Żydowski Instytut Historyczny im. Emanuela Ringelbluma (ŻIH) (PL)

The mission of the Jewish Historical Institute is to spread knowledge about the heritage of the thousand years of Jewish presence on the Polish lands. The institution realizes its aim among others through presenting its collections as temporary and permanent expositions, organizing various kinds of artistic events, academic conferences and public education meetings, as well as educational and publishing activity.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (US)

A living memorial to the Holocaust, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum inspires citizens and leaders worldwide to confront hatred, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity through exhibitions, education, and scholarship. The Museum works closely with many key segments of society who will affect the future of our nation: professionals from the fields of law enforcement, the judiciary, and the military, as well as youth. The Museum also strives to build and preserve for posterity the fully accessible collection of record on the Holocaust.

The Museum has made significant contributions to the EHRI Online Portal, and is leading on new approaches to Holocaust research and archiving.

Center for Urban History of East Central Europe (UA)

The Center for Urban History is an independent institution that focuses its work on urban history research, digital history projects, and public history activities. Our aims are to enhance international cooperation in research, to explore the possibilities of digital technologies in the humanities, and to rethink the roles of history in modern societies. The Center’s work has several objectives: to research the history of Eastern and Central European cities; to promote urban history in an interdisciplinary format; to foster international academic and cultural exchange; to deepen knowledge and understanding of the complexity and diversity of history and heritage in Eastern and Central European cities; and to enhance cooperation among local and international institutions. 

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

The mission of the Faculty is multilayered: to cultivate and improve philosophy and religious studies programs; to deeper understanding of man and his life; to promote philosophical and religious reflection; to develop a dialogue with the modern world and society. We strive to achieve our goals with excellence through teaching, research, and publishing activities. Based on rich and valuable philosophical heritage we face new challenges. Therefore, philosophical and religious studies in particular are taught in a systematic manner, for the acquisition of academic degrees in order to prepare students for teaching and research in the field of philosophy and religious studies and, above all, to prepare students for high quality dialog whit modern world and society.