Deliverables EHRI-3 2020-2025
On this page, we publish the public Deliverables of EHRI-3, 2020-2024. Within a EU project, a Deliverable represents a verifiable output of the project. Normally, each Work Package (WP) will produce one or more Deliverables during its lifetime. Deliverables are often written reports but can also take another form, for example the completion of a prototype etc.
Deliverables EHRI-3 2020-2025
WP1 Management
WP2 NA1 Dissemination
WP3 NA2 Impact, Innovation and Sustainability
WP4 NA3 Localisation and Capacity Building
D4.1 Guidelines for supporting local Holocaust research and archive networks
D4.4 Final report on supporting local Holocaust research and archive networks
WP5 NA4 Training and Education
D5.2 Launch of Massive Open Online Course
D5.3 Final evaluation report seminars
D5.4 Evaluation of the ongoing Massive Open Online Course
WP6 NA5 Coordination of Transnational Access
WP7 VA1 Virtual Access
WP8 TA1 Trans-national Access
WP9 JRA1 Data Identification and Integration
D9.6 Overview of data integration
WP10 JRA2 Thematic Layers Across Collections
D10.2 EHRI Thematic Dashboards
D10.3 Geographic layer over the EHRI portal
D10.5 EHRI Document Blog and cross-border documentation 2
WP11 JRA3 Connecting Micro Archival Communities and Standards
D11.3 Implementation of EHRI services for micro-archives (in iterations)
D11.4 Micro collections accessible via EHRI Portal
WP12 JRA4 New Approaches to Holocaust Research and Archiving
D12.1 EHRI-3 Data Management Plan