Contribute to Special Issue of Canadian Journal ‘Oral History Forum d’histoire orale’

Oral History Forum d’histoire orale is the journal of the Canadian Oral History Association. It publishes scholarly and other contributions to the field of Oral History and Oral Tradition. For spring 2013 the Oral History Forum d’histoire orale seeks submissions to a special issue entitled ‘Confronting Mass Atrocities’.
This special issue will explore questions of method, theory, and approach, and examine the ways in which oral history can enhance the study of mass atrocities. Topics might include (but are not limited to): the ethical and methodological dilemmas of using individuals’ and communities’ experiences of atrocity as ‘data’; negotiating danger and risk in conducting oral history fieldwork during and after mass atrocity crimes; the role of community groups and NGOs in collecting testimonies and documenting atrocities; trauma and negotiating oral history methodology and practice; translating local and global interests in the documentation of atrocities; digital media technologies and mass atrocity; and achieving standards of evidence for post-conflict judicial mechanisms.
The Guest Editors invite submissions that engage the theme from a variety of methodological and thematic approaches. University researchers, community organizers, educators, oral historians, and related practitioners are welcome to submit academic articles, notes from the field, teaching notes and discussion papers, new media presentations, and reviews of recent academic texts of relevance to the theme. Contributors are free to experiment with format and may include artwork, annotated transcripts, audio and/or video files and other research materials that expand our understanding of the theme.
Read more >> Call for Papers: Oral History Forum d’histoire orale. Abstract submissions should be sent by 1 August 2012.