CfP: New Research on Genocide of Roma in Central Europe

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015
Stockholm 14th-15th December 2015
Deadline 1st September 2015

The Institute of Contemporary History at Södertörn University and the project Roma Genocide in Ukraine 1941-1944: history, memory, representations, invites applications for a workshop. The workshop is scheduled for December 14th-15th 2015 at Södertörn University. Proposals concerning Ukraine and the adjacent countries are particularly welcome. The ambition is to bring together scholars from various disciplines, from PhD-candidate level and up, to stimulate cooperation and plan a joint publication on the subject.

You are welcome to send in proposals for new and formerly unpublished papers to:

Applicants whose papers will be accepted, will be required to send in a copy of their presentation in English one month in advance of the workshop. Deadline for submitting abstracts is September 1st, 2015. The information as to the participation in the workshop will be distributed on September 25th.

Six scholars will be selected to participate in the workshop along with the researchers of the Institute of Contemporary History. Lodging and transportation costs will be covered by the organizers. The participators are expected to comment on one paper, and to participate in the workshop throughout its duration.