​CfP: Lessons and Legacies Conference on the Holocaust

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2015
Call for Papers and Panels
Lessons and Legacies Conference on the Holocaust XIV
The Holocaust in the 21st Century: Relevance and Challenges in the Digital Age
November 3-6, 2016, Claremont McKenna, California

The 14th biennial Lessons and Legacies Conference, sponsored by the Holocaust Educational Foundation of Northwestern University and Claremont McKenna College, will consist of two plenary addresses, roundtables, multiple panels, workshops, and colloquia relating to recent issues and advances in scholarship on all aspects of Holocaust Studies. Interested scholars are invited to submit proposals for individual papers, entire panels, or workshop sessions by December 1, 2015.

Panels will consist of three papers and a moderator, although other formats are possible. Panel proposals should include a title and brief description of the session as a whole (300 words or fewer), along with paper titles and abstracts (300 words or fewer) from all panelists. Short-form CVs (1-2 pages, including institutional affiliation and contact information) should also be attached. Proposals for individual papers will be considered and organized into panels by the chairs of the academic program.  Panel moderators can be proposed by the panelists or assigned by the co-chairs of the academic program

Interactive workshop sessions will focus on particular topics, approaches or sources. Workshop proposals should include a brief description of the aim of the session, along with the names, affiliations and contact information of the workshop leaders.

To the extent possible, financial assistance for presenters at the conference will be provided, with priority given to graduate students, faculty at teaching-oriented colleges that do not provide research support, and foreign scholars who have unusually high travel costs. Please direct all inquiries about financial assistance to the Holocaust Educational Foundation of Northwestern University.

The academic program of the L&L XIV conference is co-chaired by Hilary Earl, Nipissing University, and Wolf Gruner, University of Southern California.

All proposals and inquiries should be sent by email to: hef9(at)northwestern.edu

Applicants will be informed in early 2016 regarding inclusion on the conference program.