CfP: Kavod – Honoring Aging Survivors

Thursday, February 6th, 2014

A Professional Journal for Care Providers and Families

The Claims Conference seeks professional articles for the fifth issue of Kavod, an electronic journal designed for care providers of aging Holocaust survivors and their family members. The purpose of Kavod is to reach out to the care-giving community by providing support based on an integration of research and best practice. Knowing how quickly the remaining survivors are aging, we recognize that there is urgency to this work and to the dissemination of meaningful guidance, knowledge, and exchange of information.  

Submissions are invited from a variety of authors representing academic research, case studies, related agency initiatives and development, clinical practice, conference papers and book reviews. All authors must use standard APA format with references and citations and write for a diverse multidisciplinary professional readership. All material must be submitted in web-ready plain-text with no special formatting. Charts and images should be supplied as attachments. Interested authors should contact Chavie Brumer at

All articles must be submitted in English. International authors are encouraged but professionally translated and edited submissions are requested.

For more information and to view previously published Kavod issues, please go to:

The fourth issue of Kavod will go live very soon.

The deadline for papers is July 15, 2014.