CfP/Convocatoria: Spain, World War II and the Holocaust: A Critical Companion

The organisers are seeking submissions for an edited volume devoted to the intersections among Spain, World War II and the Holocaust. This collection of essays will be the first comprehensive historical and cultural study of Spain’s unique relationship to the Holocaust and Nazi genocide. The volume seeks to bring together contributions from leading scholars from the fields of history, literary studies, sociology, film, and visual arts in order to provide a long-overdue multi-faceted analysis of a significant piece of Holocaust history that still remains outside the various disciplines that engage with European fascism.
Many important scholars of the Holocaust even today fail to mention the Spanish constituency in their tallies of Nazi genocide victims. Our book will stand as a necessary corrective to this absence. This volume will fill an important gap in Holocaust studies and promises to reach a wide audience of scholars working on the Holocaust, World War II, European studies and the many sub-fields and specialties associated with each of these larger disciplines.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following subjects:
- The Holocaust as it informs Politics of Memory in Contemporary Spain
- 20th and 21st Century Spanish Anti-Semitism
- Sephardic Jews in the Shoah
- Franco/Hitler Relations
- Franco, Jewish Refugees and Jews who Escaped through Spain
- Jews Naturalized as Spanish Citizens Deported to Nazi Camps
- The Role of Spanish Diplomats in Saving Jews
- Trajectory of Exiled Spanish Republicans from Spain to France and from France to Nazi Camps
- The Blue Division
- The Legacy of Survivor Organizations in Spain and France
- Spaniards in Mauthausen, Buchenwald and Ravensbrück
- Spanish Kapos
- Spanish Defendants and Witnesses at the Mauthausen, Dachau and Nuremberg Trials
- The Holocaust and Nazi Genocide in Spanish Narrative
- The Holocaust and Nazi Genocide in Spanish Poetry
- Ladino Poetic Responses to the Shoah
- Spanish Documentary Film related to the Holocaust
- The Holocaust and Nazi Genocide in Spanish Visual Art
Interested scholars should submit a 500 word abstract in English or Spanish by August 30, 2015 to and Please put “Critical Companion Abstract” in the subject heading of your email and attach a CV with relevant publications or experience with this or a related topic. If selected, final submissions of approximately 6000 words would be due by May 30, 2016