CfP: EHRI Workshop: Data Sharing, Holocaust Documentation and the Digital Humanities. Best Practices, Case Studies, Benefits

International Workshop within the Framework of the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) supported by the European Commission
Organized by Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea – CDEC Foundation and the Università Cà Foscari – Venice 29-30 June 2017
In conjunction with the international LODLAM Summit, Venice, 28th-29th June 2017
We would like to invite you to participate in the international workshop on” Data Sharing, Holocaust Documentation and the Digital Humanities. Best Practices, Case Studies, Benefits”, to be held in Venice on 29-30 June 2017.
Launched in November 2010, the main goal of EHRI is the implementation of a research infrastructure, which enables collaborative work in Holocaust research and documentation. As part of the infrastructure work, EHRI integrates archival metadata across institutional, national and language boundaries, making it searchable and helping researchers to find relationships between archival collections. This context makes the deployment of efficient data collection, sharing, processing and integration technologies and approaches (including semantic technologies) crucial to achieve success in the implementation of the infrastructure.

The EHRI workshops are organized for the purpose of generating a creative exchange of knowledge and views between professionals in various subfields of Holocaust research and documentation, along with experts outside the field of Holocaust studies who can share their experience and methodologies.
Together with the development of data sharing utilities for collection holding institutions, EHRI develops controlled vocabularies such as authority lists of people, corporate bodies, Holocaust related entities like ghettos, camps or administrative districts of occupied territories as well as a hierarchy of concepts for the indexing and retrieval of Holocaust related archival material.
We aim to share this knowledge with other research communities.
The aims of the workshop are:
- Presenting the state of the art of data sharing practices and technologies starting from the experiences and results obtained in the EHRI project
- Discussing the usability and potential of data sharing in the Humanities
- Investigating the possible connections between the EHRI Project and other Research Infrastructures and Digital Humanities Projects
Call for Papers
Proposals are now being accepted for individual presentations. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Holocaust-related archives libraries and museums
- Digital historiography of the Holocaust
- Research infrastructures
- Digital libraries, archives and museums
- Digital humanities
- Linked Open Data
- Semantic web technologies
- Semantic enrichment and search
- Research data management
- Best practices
- Data integration
- Information retrieval
- Controlled vocabularies and authority control
- Information architecture
Each accepted proposal will be allotted between 15 to 20 minutes for presentation followed by discussion.
The workshop will be conducted in English.
Proceedings will be published electronically on after the workshop.
If you are interested in giving a presentation, please send a 500-800 word abstract and a CV (including all relevant contact information) to: Easychair
Important dates
The deadline for submissions of abstracts is 2 May 2017
Notification of acceptance will be sent by 20 May 2017
Travel and Accommodation
Funding for travel and accommodation will be available to participants in accordance with European Commission guidelines and the EHRI Project budget.
Laura Brazzo,