Cultures of Remembering

An international training dealing with the topic of European Jewish history of the 20th century and commemoration today in Germany, Poland, Ukraine and Israel
November 24th to 30th, 2014, in the International Youth Meeting Center Krzyżowa, Poland, and different field trips in Lower Silesia
The Kreisau Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe and the Kreisau-Initiative Berlin invites people interested in the topic of European Jewish history of the 20th century and commemoration today in Germany, Poland, Ukraine and Israel to participate in our project, “Cultures of remembering”. It is a 6 day seminar exploring the Jewish history of the Polish region of Lower Silesia and the different ways of national commemoration.
Who Can Apply?
University students and people who are generally interested in the topic of Jewish history and commemoration from Poland, Germany, Ukraine and Israel. You can apply as a group or individually. The places are restricted to 8 persons per country. A high level of English is required.
About the Project
“Cultures of remembering” is an international training week with lectures, presentations, seminars and workshops, discussions with experts, interviews with contemporary witnesses and visits to memorial sites. The participants trace back the Jewish history of Lower Silesia and follow the trails of the old and new geographical borders, analyse the different perspectives of Polish, German, Ukrainian and Israeli historiographies and explore the borders existing in the heads of people.
Items on the Agenda
- Lectures and discussion forums
- Participants presentations
- Interviews
- Excursions in Lower Silesia
- Set up of a project blog
Participations fees are as follows:
- Germany and Israel: 90 EUR
- Poland: 50 EUR Ukraine: 30 EUR
The participation fee includes accommodation and full board, programme, excursions and entrance fees. Travel costs can be partly reimbursed.
Download the Registration Form. Closing date: 1 October, 2014.
For more information, please contact:
Carolin Wenzel
Kreisau-Initiative e.V., c/o Allianzan den Treptowers 3, 12435 Berlin, Germany
phone / fax: +49-30-538363 / +49-30-53027923