The Australian Association for European History (AAEH) XXIV Biennal Conference ‘War, Violence, Aftermaths: Europe and the Wider World’

Call for Papers
Submissions of abstracts close 1 February 2015
Conference held 14 to 17 July 2015
For the first time the University of Newcastle, Australia, will host the 24th biennial meeting of the Australasian Association for European History (AAEH).
The themes for 2015 Conference coincide with anniversaries of a number of key events in Europe, and deal broadly with war, violence and aftermaths, including: the bi-centenary of the battle of Waterloo; the centenary of the landing at Gallipoli; the centenary of the Armenian Genocide; the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War; and the 20th anniversary of the massacre at Srebrenica.
The conference encourages reconsideration of Europe’s violent past – national, regional, religious, economic, ethnic, social, cultural, generational, and international. The Organizing Committee particularly invites proposals for papers that address the history of European conflict in terms of its repercussions for the non-European world. Papers on Early Modern Europe are also welcome, as are specialists in the First World War.
The conference will be structured in parallel panels, plenary sessions and round tables.
Each panel presentation should not exceed 20 minutes.
Panels may explore such ideas as:
- Violence in society, culture, economics and politics
- The origins and consequences of war and acts of mass violence
- Ethnic, racial, religious and ideological violence
Violence and war from a transnational perspective - Cultural constructions and representations of war and violence
- Emotions and memories of war and violence
- Aftermaths and legacies of war and violence
For more information and how to submit, visit the AAEH Conference website