CfP: Third International Graduate Students’ Conference on Genocide Studies

9th to 11th April 2015 at Clark University, USA
The Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Clark University will host the Third International Graduate Students’ Conference on Genocide Studies on 9 -11 April 2015, in cooperation with the Danish Institute for International Studies, Department of Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Copenhagen. The conference will provide a forum for doctoral students to present their research projects to peers and established scholars. The keynote speaker will be Professor Eric Weitz, Dean of Humanities and Arts and Professor of History at the City College of New York.
Armenian Genocide
This interdisciplinary conference will reflect the full range of issues, concepts, and methods in current Genocide Studies research. The keynote address and a focus on papers that explore the Armenian Genocide are planned in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the events of 1915. Papers that put the Armenian Genocide in a broader perspective and examine the concept of Ottoman Genocide carried out against minority ethnic-religious groups, including Assyrians and Greeks, are especially encouraged. Topics may include forceful mass–deportations, expulsions, and massacres during the late Ottoman period. We also invite pertinent applications from students working on the Holocaust as well as those who focus on genocides in Africa, Asia, Australia, and America as well as on the aftermath and collective memorialization of genocides.
Paper proposals
- Paper proposals from graduate students and recent post-docs (since 2012) across all disciplines are invited. Interested applicants should submit for consideration:A short curriculum vitae (one page maximum) including name, address, email, and telephone number
- The title and an abstract of your paper (approx. 300 words, one page maximum in English), addressing its basic arguments, its sources, and its relation to your dissertation project (for instance: summary, proposal, or chapter of the dissertation)
- A brief letter from your advisor indicating your enrollment in a doctoral program. We also invite applications for complete panels consisting of three papers. Such submissions should include a panel description of approximately 500 words.
The costs of travel, accommodation, registration, and meals will be covered for applicants whose papers are accepted. Applications are open on March 15, 2014 and the final deadline is August 15, 2014. Please email materials to If you have questions, you may contact conference organizer Dr. Sarah Cushman,, or conference director Taner Akçam, Kaloosidan Mugar Professor of Armenian Genocide Studies, For information on previous conferences, see