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Eugenia Mihalcea is a Ph.D. candidate in Holocaust Studies at the University of Haifa, Israel. In her doctoral dissertation (supervised by Prof. Stefan Ihrig), The Holocaust in Transnistria: Its (Hi)story and Post-war Memory, she examines how Transnistria was created as the space for the implementation of the Holocaust and how it was (re)created during the post-war period in Romania and Israel.

Prior to her doctoral studies, Eugenia graduated from the Weiss-Livnat International MA Program in Holocaust Studies, University of Haifa, Israel. She also holds an MA diploma from the University of Bucharest and wrote her final MA thesis about Children survivors of the Holocaust in Transnistria as a Visiting Research Fellow at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She has received many awards, including a full PhD scholarship from the University of Haifa and the 2018 Yad Vashem Scholarship. Her academic interests include Memory Studies, Cultural Studies and Holocaust Education