2,000th Archival Institution Integrated into the EHRI Portal

The EHRI Portal is one of our most important tools. It offers access to information on Holocaust-related archival material held in institutions across Europe and beyond. Several new archival collections were recently added to the EHRI Portal. Thanks to the cooperation between EHRI and the Yerusha project, 165 archival descriptions about Holocaust-relevant material held by several Czech State and City archives are now online available. Also, more than 300 archival descriptions were just imported from the correspondence files of the Jewish Community of Rome. They are a fundamental source of information for understanding the life of a big Jewish Community before, during and after the Holocaust, for which we thank the Historical Archives of the Jewish Community of Rome (Archivio Storico della Comunità Ebraica di Roma).
Important progress has also been made in the Balkans. Thanks to Sofija Grandakovska, the EHRI Portal now provides brand-new information (in English and in Macedonian) about six Macedonian archival institutions (among which the State Archive of the Republic of Macedonia and the Jewish Community of the Republic of Macedonia) and their holdings. Bosnian and Herzegovinian archival institutions (see for instance the Archives of Bosnia-Herzegovina) and sets of records are added and updated by Adnan Tinjić.
The EHRI Portal is a growing resource and EHRI is proud to announce that by adding these collections, the portal now contains over 2,000 archival institutions!
For more information about the EHRI Portal, watch this 3-minute animation video.