EHRI Summer Schools

In the second half of 2012 there will be a call for applications to take part in one of two EHRI summer schools on Holocaust studies in 2013. The first EHRI summer school will be organized by the Institute of Contemporary History Munich – Berlin, Germany in July/ August 2013. The second EHRI summer school will be organized by the Shoah Memorial – Museum, Center for Contemporary Jewish Documentation, Paris, France in September 2013.
The summer schools will provide an overview on methods, sources and the state of research in Holocaust history research and will be aimed at the graduate level. The summer schools will be open to scholars from a variety of disciplines (historians, sociologists, psychologists, anthropologists and others interested in the Holocaust) as well as archivists. Candidates from Central and Eastern Europe are especially encouraged to apply.
EHRI will cover travel and subsistence costs during the summer school. There will be another call for applications for the two EHRI summer schools scheduled to take place in 2014 in Amsterdam and Jerusalem. All four summer schools will share the same basic curriculum.